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OBGE v2 slooow load


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Well I appreciate your help.


I have done some testing, and it turns out it is indeed loading all the shaders. I tried removing all shaders except CrysisDoF. Now I have the CrysisDoF effect and 3 sec load time.


So the big question is: How do I get it to stop loading all the shaders and only the active ones?

Found something about the plugin always loads all shaders.


For a start, I will only place the shaders I use in the shaders folder.

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Check your OBGE.ini and look for these lines:




If bUseShaderList is set to 0, it might load just about anything you have in the shaders folder. Also check that your shaderlist.txt is in the folder specified. However, I think it intentionally does that for the first time you use OBGE in a game. Does the problem persist after loading the game slowly the first time, and even after moving around through various loading doors? D:

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I tried changing the ini bUseShaderList=1 to both settings.

Didn't make a difference.


But after I deleted/moved all the unused shaders from the shaders folder, I have 3 sec load again. Only the shaders in this folder shows up in the ingame plugin.

I will just copy the shaders I want to test back to the folder when I need it.

I don't need the shaderlist.txt. For now I just leave it empty.


That works ok for me. The game is playable again. :-)


Thanks for your help UNKNOWNYMOUS

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