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A little problem

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now im going a bit off topic but now im suffering an another bug. my items with custom enchantments and multi damage poisons keep disapearing without a trace. i created mage hood,wrist irons and gold trimmed shoes with fortify magicka 24pts . i also created 5 poisons with fire damage and damage health . this happens every time i save the game and load it. also i created a quilted doublet with burden i frostcrag spire to see if it disapears. i saved,loaded and indeed it disapeared.


i tried to delete oblivion.ini but nothing the merchants are still bugged and the items keep disapearing.


but these bugs olny seem to affect my older saves. if i create a new character everything seems to be fine. i recently created an altmer character. all merchants act normal and items dont disapear.

Edited by aidasasinas
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Oblivion.ini won't fix problems like that, broken mods or broken saves. It'll just reset your settings. The most common settings that people or mods would mess with in Oblivion.ini are related to performance/quality. But it has nothing to do with your original problem.


Disappearing items could be caused by the mod failing to load, meaning there could be something interfering somewhere (either another mod or some other internal problem). Play through your new character for a bit and see if the items disappear at all at a later time. If not, then it was just something wrong with the mods setup in your older saves.

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shat here we go again. these bugs have corrupted another character after a good and long play. but i have been preparing for these bugs so i have been making a lot of saves so if bugs occure i load previous save and everything backs to normal for some time. but i noticed one thing that theses two bugs are connected. if merchants run to me then my own made potions and items made and enchanting altar keep disapearing. i havent found any solution to these problems so it leads to reinstal
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Before doing a complete re-install, try doing a new character. It is possible your save(s) got corrupted at one point, and it took a while for the symptom(s) to become noticable. I had a simular problem with IC merchants at one point and this fixed it.
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