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Deadly reflex without the.... flashiness?


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I wish I could mod this stuff myself...


Okay, I don't want to step on anyone's toes here, but is there a way to remove/disable some of the moves in the Deadly Reflexes mod in some really easy way? Mainly flashy kicks and spinning dodges and leaping whoop-de-doos?


When I think of a combat mod for Oblivion, of think of adding some weight to the combat... I want Gladiator... not The Matrix, if that makes any sense.


Don't get me wrong, kicks sound great. But when I think of combat from the swords and armor period of time... I think of my character giving a quick, simple kick to the groin, not a roundhouse kick to the face.


Deadly Reflexes is an awesome looking mod. But I tend to steer more towards realism, not flashy hollywood effects. I love the idea of being able to throw weapons at people... not being able to do this:



In a full suit of iron armor...

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If DR6 is still similar to the DR I used to play (4 or 5, I can't remember), then you can simply delete the animations you don't want, and the game will use the vanilla animations instead. I'm not at home so I can't check the files directly, but all the 3rd-person animation files are named intutively, have a .kf extension, and should be in the folder path Oblivion\Data\Meshes\character\_male or something like that. Or, you could overwrite those animation files with files from another mod if you want.


However, I don't know how much DR relies on these specific animations. I don't recall having problems, but then again, I did not use DR for very long and it was an older version of it.

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When I think of a combat mod for Oblivion, of think of adding some weight to the combat... I want Gladiator... not The Matrix, if that makes any sense.


Haha yeah. Same here. That's why I'm not using Deadly Reflex anymore.


I wish there were an ini setting for each of its features though, so I can leave some on and turn some off.

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Adding to this thread...


I finally downloaded and tried Deadly Reflexes. Some things sounded really cool, so I couldn't resist.


Anyway, from what I can tell, you can't switch things on and off in the ini. At least, not from what I can understand.


To be honest, I could do without most of the animations. I think the things I like most are the death animations when you throw weapons at people and the magical critical deaths. I can do without horse combat, kicks, and a lot of the camera modifications. My character seems to run slower after installing Deadly Reflexes, which is not something I anticipated. I also don't really like the changes to the weapon stances... it almost makes the game seem broken... like how when you're in first person view, your current weapon i shoved way over to the right of the screen. Then when blocking, it takes up most of the screen. I also don't like how the weapons and bows are animated in first person.


I know, it seems like I'm complaining... I just think it would be better if we could switch this stuff on and off at all. If I really wanted NPCs flying through the air and kicking me in the face, I'd activate a mod for it. Know what I mean?

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To be honest, I could do without most of the animations. I think the things I like most are the death animations when you throw weapons at people and the magical critical deaths. I can do without horse combat, kicks, and a lot of the camera modifications. My character seems to run slower after installing Deadly Reflexes, which is not something I anticipated. I also don't really like the changes to the weapon stances... it almost makes the game seem broken... like how when you're in first person view, your current weapon i shoved way over to the right of the screen. Then when blocking, it takes up most of the screen. I also don't like how the weapons and bows are animated in first person.


The third person animations were merely transfered to first person for the animations. To me, it adds to the realism when your shield blocks your view. If you've used one is real life, you'd know that thats the only good way to defend yourself unless you want to be struck somewhere on the right (or left, I suppose, if you were to hold a shield on your right arm). Although slow motion can be annoying, adrenaline can slow things down a bit... Maybe not as much as DR, but it does slow things down sometimes. (Note I did say can.)


I think that the sword was moved over that much because that's how it is in the third person ones. When you run or walk you see it still, so it doesn't really matter. I can't say I agree on the weapon and bow animations, because I never have used a bow in the time I've played Oblivion, I stick to magic and blades. As for weapons, well... I don't really mind them. It's more realistic than vanilla. No one holds a sword straight up while they're walking, its either sheathed or slanted towards the ground. Even if they only weigh say 4 pounds, after a while thats heavy. (Swing one for 10 minutes, tell me how it feels :P)


If you don't want any of DR's animations, its simple to delete the Characters folder inside of the Meshes folder, but if you have race mods, then delete the _male folder. If you've installed different animation mods, well... if you didn't save the DR archive, download it again, then go into Meshes\Characters\_male (I forget if 1st person has its own folder), and delete all the animations in your _male folder that match the ones in the archive. Besides, if you don't like you much about DR, you're free to not use it. You can also try and find animations to your liking and just replace the ones from DR.


To the spinning dodges, those are from vanilla Oblivion. Those are the dodges that were added in the game. Unless its different on the PC, my PS3 version had dodges. I will admit, they are fairly pointless anyways, so you get sliced or crunched anyways. Unless of course you do it early enough, which means you'd have to determine when your opponent will strike. I think that dodging was an attempt on Bethesda's part to give long range characters (mages and archers, although mages have touch spells as well) a chance to backflip away.


The weapon throwing feature needs to be redone, in my opinion, because more often than not, throwing a weapon causes a CTD. Unless its modded, which for some reason doesn't crash like vanilla does (at least for me).


Just wanted to add to the conversation my views on this.

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Yep, I'm free to not use it. I'm also free to want it to work and feel how I want it to, after all, we're talking about mods. :P


And yes, I know some of the dodges were used in vanilla Oblivion. Like being able to roll to the side while blocking.


Also, I think Bethesda went with what looked best over what was more realistic when it came to the first person view. I think they also wanted to show off some of the cool weapons they created. I like realism... but I also like seeing the weapon I'm holding. And as I said, the mod also seemed to slow down my character a lot when in first person. I also don't really like the first person head-bobbing. It's kind of off-putting in Oblivion, imo.


Weapon throwing seems to work okay enough for me. I had a pretty good time for about an hour slaughtering the good people of Bravil by throwing daggers into their faces.


There is another really bad bug that I've encountered as well and I haven't figured out if it's a compatibility thing or not. Whenever I sheath my weapon, in either first or third person... by character crouches, sheaths, then sheaths again. It sometimes does this when readying a weapon as well, but without the crouching. It's really weird and while I haven't exactly searched for the problem for hours on end, I haven't seen anything about this particular bug.

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