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Couple of Issues


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First of all since the last update the game has been pretty stable, at least for me. Previously I was getting quite a few CTDs at random occurrences but lately the game has been very stable. So at least that is good.


But I still have an issue with the game getting stuttery at times. This is something I've had an issue with since the first beta updates showed up. Before any updates, playing just the vanilla release of the game, I never had this problem. I will be playing along ok, actually sometimes for quite awhile, but then I'll start noticing a very slight stutter. At that point the game is still playable. But after a bit longer the stutter just becomes worse to the point that it becomes very aggravating so I'm forced to do a save, quit the game, restart and reload the saved game. At that point the stuttering will be gone but at some point will usually come back again for whatever reason. When the stuttering does show up I'm generally getting good 60+ framerates. Also during times when I do get lower framerates around 20-30 there will not be any stutter at all. So I'm thinking that whatever is causing it has nothing to do with framerates. I'm hoping that somebody else has encountered this and maybe has a fix. If so please let me know. BTW I am running the game configured with SLI but still get the same issue even if I disable SLI and run with a single GPU.


The 2nd thing that I've been noticing is that I'll be in random places and it's always indoors where I have a difficult time picking up and adding loose items to my inventory. I can grab the items no problem but if I try to double click to add the item it will not work. I just either drop or pick it back up over and over. If I keep trying it will usually eventually add the item but sometimes I have to grab and move the item to another area , drop it and then I can add the item ok. This actually started with this last release when it was released as beta. But even after the release went live I still had the issue. Before this previous release I never had any problems. Has anybody else seen this?

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