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Simple CM Partners Question


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Originally, I made all my CM partners essential (the ones I actually went into the CS and made myself). Now, however, I would like to make them non-essential. So I went into the CS, unchecked the "essential" box on one of them (just to check and make sure it would work) saved the .esp and minimized the CS. I went back in game to see if the changes had been made, but the partner was still marked as essential, even though his box was no longer checked. Any suggestions to fixing this? I really just don't want to have to make two versions of all of my CM partners just to get some to be non essential.
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I think this is because the essential/non-essential info is stored into the save game. If you start a new game you'll see that they are non-essential. As for what you can do in your current game, I'm not sure. Maybe you can try disabling/enabling them. Or open up the console and use the SetEssential or SetRefEssential functions.
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Both things you suggested worked. When I started a new game the actor was no longer essential. I also was able to use this mod (in case anyone is having the same issue) to identify my actor's BaseId's to change their essential status via console commands. Thanks for your help fg109. Kudos.
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I've used this one before, but it's important to note that it modifies the baseid of the actor, so all actors based on that same baseid will be modified. However, this shouldn't be a problem at all for your CM Partners, unless you somehow have multiple copies of them running around the game world. D:
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