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opinions on parts for a cheap computer

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You don't really need a separate sound-card unless you use very good speakers in combination with a expensive receiver.


The GPU is very good but I would strongly recommend the MSI twin frozer or hawk version.


As a last advice you should consider a different CPU cooler because the Intel standard cooler is very bad.

Edited by Erik005
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i do think this is a relatively cheap computer, considering if i wanted top of the line i could be looking at a few grand at least.


and good, no need to worry about the sound card then.


also, what about this GPU:




its a tad more expensive and thats really as high as i wanna go lol, if that, but the reviews are good so ya, but do i need to go that good since i dont plan on overclocking it or doing anything extra with it? since i dont plan on doing anything extra, would my other GPU be just fine?


and any opinions on a good (possibly cheap lol) cooler for the CPU?


also i monitor i quickly picked it mostly for a price esitmate, but is it any good?




im guessing thr HDD and Case are good since no one commented on those? what do you look for in a case? cause id like to look at different ones to maybe get a cooler looking one lol, but idk what to look for in a case :P


thanks everyone!

Edited by hoofhearted4
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Replace the i7 2600k with the i5 2500k for a bit of money saving, which shouldn't affect you too much. Google "i7 2600k or i5 2500k" and you'll get over 9000 forum threads and reviews telling you to go with the 2500k ;D And if you feel like it, you could use the money saved on this for a CPU cooler or a nicer case. Or all of them :P or maybe use that little bit of extra cash for a HD 6950 graphics card.


I chose my case thinking about upgradeability, the room for hardware. Of course it's nice to have a case that doesn't look like a donkey's ass but that comes in at a very close 2nd place for me.

Edited by Nysba
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Yes that hawk is exactly what I meant.


The card is cooler and quieter than most other cards it is really worth the investment.


For the CPU cooler if the scythe mugen 2 is to expensive the Cooler Master Hyper TX3 is a cheaper option

Edited by Erik005
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its actually cheaper then i thought, that list above with the monitor is only 1184.89 and thats extended warranties and S&H.


unfortunately the scythe mugen 2 is out of stock on newegg, so it looks like ill be going with the cooler master hyper tx3.


so is the monitor good? would be a waste to have a good computer and the monitor not be any good lol.


also for the case, since im thinking about getting a different one, what would you guys recommend? like whose a good brand name, anything about the case i should look for?


also i decided to switch motherboards to the p67. been readin a lot of reviews of things, and almost everyone is using a p67 chipset, i figure the voice of the majority cant be wrong. i was thinking this one, a bit more money, but im still lower then planned




also i noticed it can hold up to 32gb of ram, and right now ive got 8. would it be worth it to maybe go up to 16gb? or does it matter?

Edited by hoofhearted4
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That motherboard is to expensive for what you actually get you will be good with the PRO3.




You are fine with 8gb of ram more than fine.


As for the case, antec and coolermaster are good brands the coolermaster 690 II advanced is a classic good case.

Edited by Erik005
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this one:




or this one:




so along with the case you mentioned, which i like, these are a couple i found based on price and looks. opinions?:





im a sucker for the red lights lol.


and lastly, what about the monitor. any good? any opinions?


you guys are simply amazing (or just Erik005 lol) youve been such a great help. thanks for being soo patient with all my questions and more or less building my PC!

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I know nothing about monitors, sry


I'd take the more expensive mobo, just because it's not that much more expensive.


About the case, I'd say scrap both of those and think about the HAF 932. Maybe even the HAF 942, aka HAF X (I haz it, love it :P ) if you have the money. But it's expensive. The HAF X that is, the 932 isn't that expensive as far as I know.

Edited by Nysba
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