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Ad reporting functionality


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As long as it's not flashy, video, have sound, and kept lite I don't really mind ads... It's just when sites are basically hijacked by ads that I refuse turn off adblock (like youtube on every video)... When I turned off adblock I was rather suprised, just a couple banners and one side banner...


I can't even hit the 1mb limit but I'll keep it off here just cause the effort was put in to make it as non obtrusive as possible...

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In response to post #36258715.

Timmster wrote: An add for Overwatch is replacing the webpage background/sidebars. Can't report it so posting here.


I hate these. Sometimes when in a game (any game), and I use the steam web browser, things glitch up, and if a site has ads in the background like that, they surely become active somehow. Say I'm on the wikia for Skyrim, and everytime I click anywhere in the web browser, and I mean /anywhere/ (even the back buttons) then the background ad with open a new page and a popup ad will display. Only in the steam browser. Of course, if the steam browser wasn't like this I wouldn't be complaining, but I seriously don't like this idea.
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In response to post #35627482.

1wolffan wrote: I actually logged in today to un-block the ads on this site. I just got an upgrade in my internet bandwidth. So I loaded up the page, disabled the Adblocker, and refreshed the page to get the ads going. When I refreshed, there was a new notification... about ads... I found this humorous.

I've had lag issues whenever I try to support you guys by running ads, and I figured, "Meh, double speed should be enough to cover the lag, and I really want to support them". Boy was I wrong! In the time it took me to read this article to this point (where I can leave a comment) my browser slowed to an absolute crawl, and there was a minute-delay between scroll-wheel, and actual screen scroll. As soon as I re-blocked the ads, and refreshed the page, I have full zip-zip browser abilities.

I REALLY do want to be able to run the ads for you guys. But when the website becomes un-navigable just from letting them run... I just can't. D:

Sadly, I've been completely unemployed for the last 4 years. So I can't even afford the silly 2 dollar opt-out option. :'( If I had the income, I'd likely me an all out Premium member, but I just simply don't have any money.

PS: *glares* If any of you other commenters tell me to, "Just get a Job, you bum." I might just explode. Employment is not an option for me at this time, so BACK OFF! *ahem* Sorry, too many people telling me that lately.
PPS: Moderators... if that last statement is too strong, feel free to edit it down, or remove the PS: completely. I'll understand. I'd rather it get pulled then get myself pulled from the site. heh.

Hey man. I know where you're coming from. My dad's been out of a job for about a year and half now, even though he's a Master's degree. I'm still in high school and going to college, and our singular working vehicle is crapping out, so there's not much I can do. Anyway, just saying you're not the only one like this.
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In response to post #35666937. #35669982, #35670817, #35671037, #35672477, #35697022 are all replies on the same post.

boduke419 wrote: Over the past few days I have made frequent use of the report button. One ad in particular would play audio easily twice as loud as any other program on my pc with no option to mute (didn't even look like a fun game). It was to the point I couldn't leave mod pages open in 2nd tab without straining my speakers and patience. All of the other ads are mutable and unobtrusive which I don't mind.

That said, I'm glad to see your stance on the matter. I found the post to be very enlightening and well explained,also the transparency is appreciated. The site is awesome! Keep up the good work!

Dark0ne wrote: You're Premium so you shouldn't be seeing ads at all. What's going on there!?
536861646f57 wrote: Seems like your "Ad initiative" isn't working as planned.
Dark0ne wrote: You seem quite hostile. Why so mad?
536861646f57 wrote: Alas, one cannot properly convey tone in text, especially on electronic media. I'm not mad or hostile, it's 75% sarcasm and 25% me being tired of my own bullsh*t.
boduke419 wrote: After reading your post I did 2 things... went premium and downloaded adblocker.

"After reading your post I did 2 things... went premium and downloaded adblocker."

Two very productive actions. Kudos!
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In response to post #35693232.

Gudiomen wrote: I use adblock all the time, that said I have a lifetime premium membership to the nexus. Honestly, this was what was fair in my eyes. The mileage I got from mods on Skyrim alone was enough to more than double (probably triple) that game's lifespan and enjoyment.

This site's appproach on adds, payed mods, and communication between the modding comunity and developers/publishers have been mature and well thought. You can't please everybody and I even disagree with some of the stands on some issues.

I don't really need the extra badwidth, most of the time, and I never see adds anyway because of adblocks. But it's important to note that not everyone that uses adblocks is oblivious to sites' needs to support themselves. Here we have many reasonable and down-to earth options to use the site and contribute.

This policy is another example of a mature and non-money grubbing way of supporting the site. Rather than turning hostile against adblock users, a system is being put in place that continues to offer free acess to everybody, but rewards people who support the site. Meanwhile a constant critical look is making sure that adds, even if a necessary evil, aren't left alone to harm user experience.


Well said. I concur wholeheartedly. A kudo for you!
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I love this website and now that the 'report this ad' feature's been added I'll definitely be keeping all Adblockers off. I've decided my graduation present to myself will be going premium on the Nexus so it won't matter in a couple of years lol.


I also think your approach of a tiered membership system sounds fantastic as (for me at least) some ads (especially popups) crash Firefox and Chrome. It's great that members affected by that oddity won't be penalised. Though it would be even better if Google and Mozilla could make their browsers a touch more stable :)


I only game sporadically so I'm not sure if this has been tried on the site before, but a few custom content websites seemed to have good luck with pay per click ads, back in the day.

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In response to post #35814600. #35820685 is also a reply to the same post.

UnknownTech wrote: I recently installed Adblock due to a problem my system seems to have with Flash player always crashing. I have the newest version and have even uninstalled/reinstalled it, to no avail. Often when I would load any Nexus page Flash would crash almost immediately and I would end up not seeing your ads anyway, the only way to prevent the crash would be to click 'report this ad' for each and every add on the page. If it was not for the crashing problem I would not be using Adblock at all, but i kind of need to be able to use the browser.
djspida5 wrote: I have this issue as well. Firefox would get a script error and just crash because of some ad that can't be found running in the background. These certain ads lanch flashplayer.exe in the system process, and shoots it's CPU usage to almost 30%. That's friggin' high. :/

I don't want to use AdBlock. In fact, i've gotten an incentive last week for turning off AB (an increase in download speed to 1.5MB/s I believe, I am a free user). Some of these ads can be very, veeery intrusive and damaging, not sure if it's just a firefox issue or any browser in general. i'll continue to leave AB off, however if this keeps happening and gets out of hand; i'll have no choice but to turn it back on. I cannot even report any of these ads because Firefox hangs and eventually crashes along with flashplayer.exe.

THis is a problem with "Protected Mode" in flash which is turned on by default - if you go into Tools - Add ons - then under which ever flash add on you are using select options - then uncheck the checkbox for Enable Adobe Flash Protected Mode.

It will turn the option off and the hangups will stop. (though it can make you more susceptible to security exploits ) If you are using 64 bit windows Mozilla has its own "NPAPI plugin sandbox" security feature which performs the same function so turning this off is not a problem and it does stop the hangs/crashes !
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