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Ad reporting functionality


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Now I am curious about a few things. I never had to deal with ads on websites for profit since I never paid for one so I do not know exactly how ads work, but I am a web developer and designer and I am creating a few styles from time-to-time for the Stylish add-on as a hobby and for hosted websites and other things that allow full HTML controls or CSS.


If the ads are not blocked, but simply moved offset by 9000px and set to a very small size, could you still earn money out of it? That is one thing I was never too sure how the ads work. I know that if you set the module to display: none; some ads will no longer offer money for it somehow.


Also, for the ads disturbing the layers if they are too big, why not set the modules to overflow: hidden with a max-height and a max-width and display property set to block? Then if an ad is much bigger than the module, it should not alter with the layout of the website, but the ad will definitely look funny in its small area.


As for the sounds and auto-play, there is a mute audio feature on Firefox and Chrome on the tab, people can use that. o.O


I usually block ads because they make websites ugly as hell, and sometimes it is just too much, I do not know where I should be looking at. When I visit Nexus, I usually enable the ads for a moment, then I block them again when I have stuff to do because most ads on here create a lag-fest sometimes.

Edited by HyokkudaRyosan
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In response to post #36450230.

bben46 wrote:

Loud ads are one of the kind of ads we want you to report. They are not supposed to place those kind of ads on the Nexus.


On the other hand, if you have been hijacked by a malware that replaces the ads with their own ads - and there are several really evil ad companies that do this. You need to clean your computer - unfortunately, they get away with it because YOU authorized them to do it so the antivirus will not remove it. You allowed it because the notice was buried on the third page of a TOS you agreed to, or maybe it was a pop up that tricked you.


Currently the best garbage cleaner I know of is JRT. It is owned by Malwarebytes, but is absolutely FREE with no nags or begging to upgrade. It is a portable program that can be completely removed after being used or even run from a USB stick. It runs in just a few minutes and can remove some trash that other programs miss. Even if you don't believe you could be infected run it anyway, you might be surprised at what it finds. :cool:


Get it from the malwarebytes site here https://www.malwarebytes.org/junkwareremovaltool/

I'm just saying that this strategy is basically ineffective. It's becoming a chore for everyone who cares to individually report these ads each time we visit, and nothing seems to be really being done about it (Or at least not at a rate that would make it effective).
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Is the Overwatch ad supposed to override the background?


EDIT: it also obscures the report button. This is bad.

Edited by beary64
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It's time for an ad provider company to implement a safe and sound & epilepsy free framework that can be used by ad-driven websites. Websites would select that providers because their clients would only open ABP to those websites. Everybody wins.
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In response to post #36645270.

Spudale wrote: And this is why I disable Adblock for the Nexus. Ads are fine as long as they're not intrusive.

that would be all well and good, as soon as the part about them not being intrusive is actually true. Witch hopefully happens soon with the new report feature.
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Few days ago me and few friends went back into blocking adds in this site because pages where refreshing every minute, so with few tabs open at the same time the load was huge for browsers.


Even with new pc and fresh browser the Nexus kept reloading pages over and over, even passive pages on background. That happened even when using “freeze” lock from Firefox…


Didn’t find a way to stop it on any browser, so we just enabled uBlock Origin and now all works again. And pages won’t automatically refresh anymore.


Edited by Noob4Life
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