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Ad reporting functionality


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I would always click "Report Ad" for the 4 ad spaces on each page to stop the ads because their continuous downloading of content/video would otherwise freeze up my browser. It is a bothersome chore that discourages me from visiting.
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Why do ads have to feature so much content/video/animation in the first place? If they didn't have to download so much data, suck up bandwidth, and interfere with the function of the page itself, it would be no problem. Even now, the issue is such a problem that there is a delay between what I type and what appears.
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I did get some adds that seemed more like adult stuff that you would find on an adult website. But I was not logged in which makes things even bad since anyone could see them. When I logged in it was gone so I could not report it. It didn't show anything explicit but you would expect that sort of add on an adult site. And it wasn't in English so only people that know the language might get them.


I am not writing the details here, I can give them somewhere safe if something can be done about it. Now this is my own personal opinion about adds and maybe I am exaggerating a bit paranoid here.

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Sorry for not reading all comments, but just in case this has not been mentioned yet:

There are some really annoying ads on the mobile version from time to time, popping up, redirecting you like crazy and the like - where I'm pretty sure I never clicked them.

Ads in general are no problem, but those are really fishy and annoying ones. :|


Maybe another short word on ads: I usually block them plus I block scripts. When I unblock ads for you, it does not work because they depend on scripts. If I unblock the scripts, hell breaks lose and tons of other, external scripts are being loaded. This is way too extensive - which is not your fault, it's the ad industry.

I have a hard time unblocking everything for you, because this opens doors for all kinds of external trackings, retargeting, profiling, cookies and stuff, which I really don't want to have, as this got completely out of control over the years. I understand the need to track things, but what's going on nowadays, not only here, is just plain crazy. You can track without scripts as well, but that does not work on your site. Your ads won't load without allowing external scripts, unfortunately. :-|


Thinking about becoming a supporter anyway, since this site has been very helpful in the past, current and very likely also in the future. :) If there'd be a bitcoin option, that'd be really really cool.

Edited by smirgol
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Is there any way to disable sound altogether? I'm getting really sick of 20 million video ads playing all at once and making my headphones explode.

I get that you're trying to fix this issue, and working hard at it too, but I don't think the solution you've chosen is effective enough. Maybe it's too early to say, but it's becoming a chore to individually disable all the offending ads EVERY time I visit the website. In the meantime, I'm going back to adblock.

Edited by ElfyPers0n
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Loud ads are one of the kind of ads we want you to report. They are not supposed to place those kind of ads on the Nexus.


On the other hand, if you have been hijacked by a malware that replaces the ads with their own ads - and there are several really evil ad companies that do this. You need to clean your computer - unfortunately, they get away with it because YOU authorized them to do it so the antivirus will not remove it. You allowed it because the notice was buried on the third page of a TOS you agreed to, or maybe it was a pop up that tricked you.


Currently the best garbage cleaner I know of is JRT. It is owned by Malwarebytes, but is absolutely FREE with no nags or begging to upgrade. It is a portable program that can be completely removed after being used or even run from a USB stick. It runs in just a few minutes and can remove some trash that other programs miss. Even if you don't believe you could be infected run it anyway, you might be surprised at what it finds. :cool:


Get it from the malwarebytes site here https://www.malwarebytes.org/junkwareremovaltool/

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I joined the Nexus Network in October of 2007. I have sent countless people here for modding, my love of Nexus Mod Manager is undying. srsly<3.

My appreciation for what you guys do here is deep. That said, I have never been a premium member, last week I attempted to turn off ABP here (and leave NoScript off here, for obvious reasons), out of a sort of guilty conscience for being a neigh 9 year member, and you guys not making a penny (or fractions of one) off me. I lasted 2 days, before nearly every mod page's layout was borked and destroyed beyond repair. Not only that, the "animated" adds were REALLY laggy, that said, I had nearly 120 tabs open ;) Might have had a little to do with it, but even just a few slapped me down. Thus, back up ABP went. I've used ABP since it was in Beta, and love it to pieces. I have only ONE other site that I have it disabled on, out of respect for what they do as well.

That said, I use SpyBot, MalwareBytes, and JRT every 2 weeks. So I'm fairly certain my system is safe ;) I am quite sure I don't have some third-party issue contributing to layout issues. PC Cleanliness is Master race Godliness. I want to say, I will absolutely disable ABP should this fix come about.


So, I have three questions, and you probably cannot answer one of them.


First, should I just grit my teeth for now, deal with the layout issues and report everything I can regarding these "issues"? How many ads SHOULD display per page? ::: Ex. Main page -> Files Page -> Mod List Page -> Modpages (IE Description, Files, Posts, etc)


Second, The Un-ABP'd Mobile Version is truly unusable, even for just browsing. Which platform would you prefer feedback on more? I assume PC for obvious reasons, but boredom is, a thing for me. I can help to navigate daily for you guys.


Third, how much does each add displaying contribute to you guys financially? I assume MAYBE a penny, likely fractions of a penny.


Appreciate any response I get from your awesome team. Keep up the great work guys. :)




Edited by Raziiell
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