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Morrowind debugging and testing


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The last 2 days I spent my time with extreme debugging and testing my Morrowind installation.

I ran the console command "testcells" and checked the warnings.txt and fixed missing textures and meshes.

I also ran the "tes3cmd.exe fixit" to clean my mods. I also used mlox for my load order.


Now my warnings.txt is "nearly clean", when I run the "testcells" console command again. Only a few warnings (or errors?) remain:



Model "VFX_DefaultBolt.NIF" not found for Ammo "VFX_DefaultBolt".
Model "w\magic_target_L.NIF" not found for Ammo "shock_bolt".
Model "w\magic_target_S.NIF" not found for Ammo "shield_bolt".
Model "i\active_akula_fire.NIF" not found for Activator "active_akula_fire".
Model "i\active_akula_frost.NIF" not found for Activator "active_akula_frost".
Model "i\active_akula_lightning.NIF" not found for Activator "active_akula_lightning".
Model "i\active_akula_shield.NIF" not found for Activator "active_akula_shield".
Model "In_root_stairs.NIF" not found for Static "In_root_stairs".
Model "teststeps.NIF" not found for Static "teststeps".
Model "x\Ex_colony_ouside_tend01.NIF" not found for Activator "Ex_colony_ouside_tend01".
Model "Add World Art" not found for Clothing "WerewolfRobe".
Model "a\A_Bear_Skin_f.NIF" not found for Body Part "A_Bear_Skin_f".
Model "x\AAA_refernce_flag.NIF" not found for Static "AAA_refernce_flag".
Model "abot\ab01_book_WaterLife.nif" not found for Book "ab01wlBook02".


Region 'Red Mountain Region' Weather Chances do not total 100 percent.


I know that I can ignore all these minor warnings like "Object reference xy missing in master file" and "Not able to find xy body part in..." and "Texture xy count #".

But are these warnings quoted above somehow critical? Can I fix it? Should I fix it?


Is there any possibility to increase logging level for Morrowind, MWSE or MGE XE?

I've beaten Dagoth Ur, now I want to beat Morrowind on the technical side :-)


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If you're not experiencing play difficulties and/ or you don't have big yellow exclamation marks all over the place then I'd leave them be. Because I mod continuously I have millions of errors all the time and can still manage to play.

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I don't have any big issues while playing. Sometimes I get CTD, while loading screens or low fps until I restart the game. But I think it's related to MGE XE with its HD resolution and dynamic lighting, because I don't have any errors/warnings in warnings.txt or programflow.txt


But it's the CTD that bothers me - sometimes I forget to save my game and than some minutes of playtime are wasted.


I think you're right, I should leave it be - and just learn to save my game more often.

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Some of the errors above come from morrowind.esm, tribunal.esm and bloodmoon.esm itself. There are missing meshes in the base installation of Morrowind.

Edited by Vrakyas
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There are SO many errors in the original esm's! A lot of dialogue errors that they just didn't bother fixing for some reason and other errors that depend on paths etc.....


As for missing meshes.... Always copy the entire data files from the CD. That should solve those issues.

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Personally I'd dig out a grep tool (I use Textcrawler). Use a file mask of *.ES? and then search for the Activator / Static / Etc name (e.g. "Ex_colony_ouside_tend01"). If they're only found in the Bethesda ESMs then (hopefully) there won't be a problem. Otherwise it'll identify the mod(s) which affect that object.


The weather one's a bit trickier though. "Red Mountain Region" may well list a huge number of mods. Maybe for that break out TESPCD and do a "Single Vs" check, load a simple weather-affecting mod as the Single then all your other mods and check for conflicts.

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