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Tried to change food buffs, but they wouldn't cooperate.


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So there's all these sleep/thirst/hunger mods out there, but honestly I just find them a pain in the gooseberrys. But I still want the food in the game to be more than just a fatigue/health potion with a food icon.


So my idea was, I would go into the Construction Set and change what the food does. For example, a certain food item restores 15 fatigue for 1 second. I changed that to 1 fatigue for 300 seconds, my thinking being that it's like eating a meal... you feel all fooded up for a while, until you get hungry at which point you need to eat more; this would be combined with another mod where I can set fatigue to refill slower, so that if I haven't eaten food, it fills really slowly, thereby somewhat necessitating the need to eat regularly. Essentially a much simpler method of implementing the need to eat.


The problem is, it didn't work. The CS did save the changes into an .esp, which I did activate, and put at the end of my load order. However, in most cases the effect still only occurred for 1 second, not the 300 I had set it to; in one case it managed 5 seconds.


So my question is, how do I make the foods have the long term effects that I want them to have?

Edited by redeyesandlonghair
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Well you're doing it right. I'm not quite sure why it's not working.


I've done the same thing before, the same way but I modified potions (so everything is a slow heal, like 1 hp for 60 seconds). Mine worked like a charm, and I did it the same way you did it.


What other mods do you have? But still, you said yours is at the end of your LO so it should override anyway...


Maybe you have versions of the food that weren't the modified ones? There's multiple copies of some food. Did you modify all the food?

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Well you're doing it right. I'm not quite sure why it's not working.


I've done the same thing before, the same way but I modified potions (so everything is a slow heal, like 1 hp for 60 seconds). Mine worked like a charm, and I did it the same way you did it.


What other mods do you have? But still, you said yours is at the end of your LO so it should override anyway...


Maybe you have versions of the food that weren't the modified ones? There's multiple copies of some food. Did you modify all the food?


I don't remember modifying multiple copies of any of the food.



Do you have a food mod bashed into your bash patch?


I might, but I thought having my .esp at the end of the load order would override that.

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I don't know how people edit food. When I have tried, it seems that ingredients are hard-coded to only have effects that last one second, and the amplitude is fixed. All those numbers you type in don't actually do anything.


To effectively modify food, it seems like you would have to actually have it be a potion (with a food item model and icon.) Then it could have effects lasting as long as you wanted at whatever strength you desired. But then you would not be able to use foods to make potions, and it would be a pain distributing the new food throughout the whole game-world.

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Yeah especially with overhauls also doing the same thing. Would need compatibility patches or force players to use Wrye Bash, which is something some players don't want to be bothered to learn to do.


I guess you could try to make some kind of script that runs whenever you eat something that's marked as food. Sort of an additional benefit kind of thing, aside from the food's default effect. The script will add a predefined buff to you when you eat anything that's considered to be food, and so on and so forth.

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Yeah especially with overhauls also doing the same thing. Would need compatibility patches or force players to use Wrye Bash, which is something some players don't want to be bothered to learn to do.


I guess you could try to make some kind of script that runs whenever you eat something that's marked as food. Sort of an additional benefit kind of thing, aside from the food's default effect. The script will add a predefined buff to you when you eat anything that's considered to be food, and so on and so forth.


That kind of kills my whole "simpler alternative to all those other hunger mods" idea... I'll just give up.

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