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Simple little mod


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Check again, Sloppy. I already modified the source myself:

Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(Gold, 10)
akspeaker.additem(gold, 10) ; beggar gets the gold here

What's irritating is that Bethesda could've easily used a global variable here instead like they do for HorseCost, and then you could just change the value for that variable rather than hard coding it into every script fragment and then having to change the Dialog Topic to match...

I also changed the FavorJobsBeggarsGiveMoneyTopic and zeroed out the "Reset Hours" field, so you can give another 10 gold immediately, without having to wait 4 hours. Never seen a beggar with a cooldown IRL... just sayin'.

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Nah, I just took a look at the source code like Sloppy did and figured I might as well edit it and recompile it at that point.

It would be such a small mod though... it feels like the idea needs to be expanded. Being able to give beggars food items, for example.

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There is a mod called "Give Gifts to Anyone in Skyrim" that allows you to give 10 gold, or any item from your inventory. You can change the gold amount to whatever you want via console. It makes the receivers disposition towards you go up as well. I have been using it for some time with no problems :)

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