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Open Cities Reborn & Unique Landscape correct compatibility patch?


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Hoping someone can help me as to a compatibility patch I may have overlooked. Having some cosmetic issues at Anvil (Screen pics below) Building floating on water and a bridge elevated in sky. I assume Open cities reborn and Unique landscapes are conflicting. I have lookedup and setup some compatibility patches that were found from here, http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13834 and here http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32925. I am using BOSS sorter to setup my mod order. Also am using OOO as well along with Wryre Bash... thanks guys


ONLY city I am having issue with is this area south of Anvil. Can't figure it out. I assume I am overlooking the correct compatibility patch.





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You could try posting a request in this thread in the Oblivion Mod Requests forum. Include a link back to this thread or post your own pictures to illustrate the problem. You may even get some advice on an existing fix, if one is still available.

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