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What would you have done


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Ok, CS, now this has become interesting. HeyYou has just taken my vote away from you. And although I cannot say that I would agree 100% with all that he suggests, life is compromise after all, isn't it?


I'm really impressed at most of the well thought out responses to this thread and appreciate the time taken by you all to participate. Thanks.


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Yeah, I'm with granny here. HeyYou for Pres with CS for VP? I'd vote for you guys, no problem. In fact, I'd like to apply for Secretary of War now, just to get my application out there...


But, in case that doesn't work out, I'm off to a job interview. I'll post my own opinions when I get back, but it'll be in large part an echo of what's already been said, plus a few domestic changes.

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One thing over and above the great suggestions above is that I would reinstate the WPA to overhaul our infrastructure of roads and bridges. RZ..dang I wanted that post to the puzzle palace.
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Iran want's nuclear power? Fine. I don't have a problem with that. Wanna build a bomb? That's ok too. We have a bunch. Use one of those on one of my buddies? Your country will INSTANTLY become a glass-coated parking lot.

except that one. non proliferation of nuclear weapons is good for everyone. And you just advocated murdering millions of innocent people. Iranian people are not very happy about the gov trying to go rambo.


You should be like: you want nukes...? then let them have them... from a great height. in my scenario only one country is destroyed as opposed to in yours where there are 2 places nuked. plus there are still less WMD on the whole, and less people have them.


Since you cannot uninvent the damned things, I am trying to figure out a way that will minimise their potential for disaster. So far all I have is not letting anyone else get them as part of the plan. I certainly do not trust Iran with them.


My point here would be: I would inform them UPFRONT about the consequences of using one, or, providing one for someone else to use, and I would announce this VERY publicly. Quite frankly, if Iran wants the bomb, there is no way to stop them, short of bombing the crap out of their research/support facilities. That is something I would just as soon not do. The US is not the worlds police force. We don't get paid for that. (in fact, its quite the opposite, we are doing it now, and paying for it ourselves, that REALLY needs to stop.)


I would also point out though, that Iran has NEVER started a war......


N. Korea would get the same warning.


And just as a slight addendum...... Piracy off the cost of Africa. Time to take a hard line here, and make sure these folks figger out that piracy is not an acceptable revenue generator. If you are on a boat with a bunch of guys with guns, you better hope that your AK 47 can sink my battleship, as I am going to have them blow your happy arse right out of the water.

Edited by HeyYou
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Would you consider becoming Prime Minister over here in the UK as well as doing Pres?


You are gonna get the "one world government" conspiracy theorists up in arms. :D


Of course, one of my unstated goals world domination. :D (kidding.....)

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Would you consider becoming Prime Minister over here in the UK as well as doing Pres?


You are gonna get the "one world government" conspiracy theorists up in arms. :D


Of course, one of my unstated goals world domination. :D (kidding.....)

I still fail to understand whats so bad about a one world government, that's for the other topic though...


I would have no issue with you and csgastors having a single world government, would be better then anything we have now even if I don't agree with csgastors as much on economics.


Would it be worth it to bomb Iran to stop them from developing WMD's? Think that is quite a fair question... Sure we are not the world police force (or at least shouldn't be), but that could be a national secruity issue for a lot of countries including the US.

Edited by marharth
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Would you consider becoming Prime Minister over here in the UK as well as doing Pres?


You are gonna get the "one world government" conspiracy theorists up in arms. :D


Of course, one of my unstated goals world domination. :D (kidding.....)

I still fail to understand whats so bad about a one world government, that's for the other topic though...


I would have no issue with you and csgastors having a single world government, would be better then anything we have now even if I don't agree with csgastors as much on economics.


Would it be worth it to bomb Iran to stop them from developing WMD's? Think that is quite a fair question... Sure we are not the world police force (or at least shouldn't be), but that could be a national secruity issue for a lot of countries including the US.


The bigger the government, the smaller the people.

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Would you consider becoming Prime Minister over here in the UK as well as doing Pres?


You are gonna get the "one world government" conspiracy theorists up in arms. :D


Of course, one of my unstated goals world domination. :D (kidding.....)

I still fail to understand whats so bad about a one world government, that's for the other topic though...


I would have no issue with you and csgastors having a single world government, would be better then anything we have now even if I don't agree with csgastors as much on economics.


Would it be worth it to bomb Iran to stop them from developing WMD's? Think that is quite a fair question... Sure we are not the world police force (or at least shouldn't be), but that could be a national secruity issue for a lot of countries including the US.


The bigger the government, the smaller the people.


Something that many people in my country seem to have lost sight of as they slowly cede power to the federal government and our federal government slowly cedes power to the UN.

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Would you consider becoming Prime Minister over here in the UK as well as doing Pres?


You are gonna get the "one world government" conspiracy theorists up in arms. :D


Of course, one of my unstated goals world domination. :D (kidding.....)

I still fail to understand whats so bad about a one world government, that's for the other topic though...


I would have no issue with you and csgastors having a single world government, would be better then anything we have now even if I don't agree with csgastors as much on economics.


Would it be worth it to bomb Iran to stop them from developing WMD's? Think that is quite a fair question... Sure we are not the world police force (or at least shouldn't be), but that could be a national secruity issue for a lot of countries including the US.


So, in the name of 'national security' we should bomb some country to prevent them from possibly developing a a-bomb? Terribly sorry, I just don't see it that way. The US has committed more crimes in the name of national security than you can shake a stick at. (two unjustified, in my view... wars) I don't think that killin' folks for something they 'might' do, is reasonable. If it was, then we should have bombed the crap out of N. Korea quite some time ago.


Unlikely as it seems, it is possible.... that Ackmydinnerjacket is actually telling the truth, and Iran is NOT working on a bomb. Even if they are.... its not really an issue until they actually test one. At that point, well, see where we are at the time.


My take on it is, make 'em a trading partner. Buy oil from them. Sell them whatever. (NOT military technology.....) Get their economy dependent on OURS. Stop sticking our noses into other countries affairs, (stop playing world police) and most of the extremists would find someone else that annoys them, that would then garner their attentions.


Personally, I think it would be interesting to be president.... at least, until someone killed me. :D As I suspect that is exactly what would happen. (should I wait for the 2020 elections, so I can become another 'zero factor' president?)

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