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Would you consider becoming Prime Minister over here in the UK as well as doing Pres?


You are gonna get the "one world government" conspiracy theorists up in arms. :D


Of course, one of my unstated goals world domination. :D (kidding.....)

I still fail to understand whats so bad about a one world government, that's for the other topic though...


I would have no issue with you and csgastors having a single world government, would be better then anything we have now even if I don't agree with csgastors as much on economics.


Would it be worth it to bomb Iran to stop them from developing WMD's? Think that is quite a fair question... Sure we are not the world police force (or at least shouldn't be), but that could be a national secruity issue for a lot of countries including the US.


The bigger the government, the smaller the people.


Something that many people in my country seem to have lost sight of as they slowly cede power to the federal government and our federal government slowly cedes power to the UN.


It's the same here, people have become reliant on the state and won't look after themselves. They let the government do what it wants as long the state gives them enough for a large plasma TV and Playstation.

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Would you consider becoming Prime Minister over here in the UK as well as doing Pres?


You are gonna get the "one world government" conspiracy theorists up in arms. :D


Of course, one of my unstated goals world domination. :D (kidding.....)

I still fail to understand whats so bad about a one world government, that's for the other topic though...


I would have no issue with you and csgastors having a single world government, would be better then anything we have now even if I don't agree with csgastors as much on economics.


Would it be worth it to bomb Iran to stop them from developing WMD's? Think that is quite a fair question... Sure we are not the world police force (or at least shouldn't be), but that could be a national secruity issue for a lot of countries including the US.


The bigger the government, the smaller the people.

A common misconception.


A one world government does not equal a big government.


It could be a single world rule with very a very small government, the land the government rules over does not determine the the size of it.


@HeyYou I am not saying we should bomb them, I am saying it might be needed.


I think if we made them our "friends" and made them depended on us, then that would work better for sure.

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Would you consider becoming Prime Minister over here in the UK as well as doing Pres?


You are gonna get the "one world government" conspiracy theorists up in arms. :D


Of course, one of my unstated goals world domination. :D (kidding.....)

I still fail to understand whats so bad about a one world government, that's for the other topic though...


I would have no issue with you and csgastors having a single world government, would be better then anything we have now even if I don't agree with csgastors as much on economics.


Would it be worth it to bomb Iran to stop them from developing WMD's? Think that is quite a fair question... Sure we are not the world police force (or at least shouldn't be), but that could be a national secruity issue for a lot of countries including the US.


The bigger the government, the smaller the people.

A common misconception.


A one world government does not equal a big government.


It could be a single world rule with very a very small government, the land the government rules over does not determine the the size of it.


@HeyYou I am not saying we should bomb them, I am saying it might be needed.


I think if we made them our "friends" and made them depended on us, then that would work better for sure.


It would have to be big to cover the globe, government isn't just the politicians at the top, it's the army of interfering bureaucrats that comes with it. Under the last government here the state grew at an alarming rate, as the number of busy bodies increased people were consulted less and less on what they wanted. One of the themes the then opposition campaigned on at the last election was the size of the government and how that left people with less and less control over their own lives.

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Would you consider becoming Prime Minister over here in the UK as well as doing Pres?


You are gonna get the "one world government" conspiracy theorists up in arms. :D


Of course, one of my unstated goals world domination. :D (kidding.....)

I still fail to understand whats so bad about a one world government, that's for the other topic though...


I would have no issue with you and csgastors having a single world government, would be better then anything we have now even if I don't agree with csgastors as much on economics.


Would it be worth it to bomb Iran to stop them from developing WMD's? Think that is quite a fair question... Sure we are not the world police force (or at least shouldn't be), but that could be a national secruity issue for a lot of countries including the US.


The bigger the government, the smaller the people.

A common misconception.


A one world government does not equal a big government.


It could be a single world rule with very a very small government, the land the government rules over does not determine the the size of it.


@HeyYou I am not saying we should bomb them, I am saying it might be needed.


I think if we made them our "friends" and made them depended on us, then that would work better for sure.


It would have to be big to cover the globe, government isn't just the politicians at the top, it's the army of interfering bureaucrats that comes with it. Under the last government here the state grew at an alarming rate, as the number of busy bodies increased people were consulted less and less on what they wanted. One of the themes the then opposition campaigned on at the last election was the size of the government and how that left people with less and less control over their own lives.

Why does a world government need a lot of bureaucrats? Current governments that cover a large area don't NEED many bureaucrats for them to exist.


Russian is currently the largest country, it has less government power then other smaller countries.


Also this is kinda off topic, I already made a topic for this so it might be a better idea to move this to that...

Edited by marharth
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Would you consider becoming Prime Minister over here in the UK as well as doing Pres?


You are gonna get the "one world government" conspiracy theorists up in arms. :D


Of course, one of my unstated goals world domination. :D (kidding.....)

I still fail to understand whats so bad about a one world government, that's for the other topic though...


I would have no issue with you and csgastors having a single world government, would be better then anything we have now even if I don't agree with csgastors as much on economics.


Would it be worth it to bomb Iran to stop them from developing WMD's? Think that is quite a fair question... Sure we are not the world police force (or at least shouldn't be), but that could be a national secruity issue for a lot of countries including the US.


The bigger the government, the smaller the people.

A common misconception.


A one world government does not equal a big government.


It could be a single world rule with very a very small government, the land the government rules over does not determine the the size of it.


@HeyYou I am not saying we should bomb them, I am saying it might be needed.


I think if we made them our "friends" and made them depended on us, then that would work better for sure.


It would have to be big to cover the globe, government isn't just the politicians at the top, it's the army of interfering bureaucrats that comes with it. Under the last government here the state grew at an alarming rate, as the number of busy bodies increased people were consulted less and less on what they wanted. One of the themes the then opposition campaigned on at the last election was the size of the government and how that left people with less and less control over their own lives.

Why does a world government need a lot of bureaucrats? Current governments that cover a large area don't NEED many bureaucrats for them to exist.


Russian is currently the largest country, it has less government power then other smaller countries.


Also this is kinda off topic, I already made a topic for this so it might be a better idea to move this to that...


Of course it will need bureaucrats, it must have people to carry out its will. Governments in nation states are already detached from the people they govern, the larger the governed area the worse the problem becomes. The E.U is great example of what world government would be like, I wouldn't inflict that on my worse enemy.


The less said about the Russian government the better, I certainly would not use that as a model.

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Would you consider becoming Prime Minister over here in the UK as well as doing Pres?


You are gonna get the "one world government" conspiracy theorists up in arms. :D


Of course, one of my unstated goals world domination. :D (kidding.....)

I still fail to understand whats so bad about a one world government, that's for the other topic though...


I would have no issue with you and csgastors having a single world government, would be better then anything we have now even if I don't agree with csgastors as much on economics.


Would it be worth it to bomb Iran to stop them from developing WMD's? Think that is quite a fair question... Sure we are not the world police force (or at least shouldn't be), but that could be a national secruity issue for a lot of countries including the US.


The bigger the government, the smaller the people.

A common misconception.


A one world government does not equal a big government.


It could be a single world rule with very a very small government, the land the government rules over does not determine the the size of it.


@HeyYou I am not saying we should bomb them, I am saying it might be needed.


I think if we made them our "friends" and made them depended on us, then that would work better for sure.


It would have to be big to cover the globe, government isn't just the politicians at the top, it's the army of interfering bureaucrats that comes with it. Under the last government here the state grew at an alarming rate, as the number of busy bodies increased people were consulted less and less on what they wanted. One of the themes the then opposition campaigned on at the last election was the size of the government and how that left people with less and less control over their own lives.

Why does a world government need a lot of bureaucrats? Current governments that cover a large area don't NEED many bureaucrats for them to exist.


Russian is currently the largest country, it has less government power then other smaller countries.


Also this is kinda off topic, I already made a topic for this so it might be a better idea to move this to that...


Of course it will need bureaucrats, it must have people to carry out its will. Governments in nation states are already detached from the people they govern, the larger the governed area the worse the problem becomes. The E.U is great example of what world government would be like, I wouldn't inflict that on my worse enemy.


The less said about the Russian government the better, I certainly would not use that as a model.

Are you assuming that every government is evil?


Why can't it be a one world government with less law then the US has? Why can't it simply be a government that has a police department, simple laws, and nothing more?


What is forcing a world government from being large and bad?

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Because this is how governments function ...


A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.

Douglas Adams


mostly politicians of any party try to repair the thing that is not possible and make a joke out of every doctor that tries to resurrect a dead patient because politicians do it any day around the world with lies and deceit till today with major success ... oh you want to know the patients name: "Democracy" That's how a minority can hide an oligarchic structured state from the citizens and let them think thy got a democracy.


We have normality. I repeat, we have normality. Anything you still can't cope with is therefore your own problem.

Douglas Adams

Edited by SilverDNA
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Are you assuming that every government is evil?

I do. Name three governments that haven't ended in disaster, or aren't headed that way now.


Why can't it be a one world government with less law then the US has? Why can't it simply be a government that has a police department, simple laws, and nothing more?

That's the biggest police department I've ever seen, and that police department would really have to be more like a military. Just because we're all one happy nation doesn't mean you aren't going to be fighting wars. Criminals have some heavy firepower now, most police offices in the US can't handle AK-caliber weaponry. As far as simple laws go, laws are never simple. If laws were simple, we wouldn't need lawyers.


What is forcing a world government from being large and bad?

A legion of armed civilians willing to (and capable of) do something about it if that happens. Barring that, we're f(*#ed, pardon the profanity.

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One thing over and above the great suggestions above is that I would reinstate the WPA to overhaul our infrastructure of roads and bridges. RZ..dang I wanted that post to the puzzle palace.





Sorry I did not mention this earlier, but I think that reinstating the WPA is a wonderful suggestion. It would be just the boot in the butt we need to get ourselves moving again. Good idea A.


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