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MGE runs slow after 5 minutes


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i have my MGE settings set and tweaked to perfection. i've BEEN playing this way for several weeks now with no slow-down. Now all of a sudden, the game is nearly unplayable. i haven't changed any MGE settings, changed video drivers or done anything else with my PC as a whole. i can play for 5 minutes at a time with graphics set relatively high as i have done for hours at a time. But now, no matter where i am (basic interior, detailed exterior) or what i'm doing (fighting, adventuring, or even just reading dialogue), my FPS drops to 1-5. The worst part is that even my ingame mouse pointer slows to a crawl! Just to quit the game takes time and patience. i have to sloooooooowly move my cursor towards the "quit" button or my cursor will zing right past it! LOL


The first 5 minutes or so are clean, crisp, fast and fun. However my frame rate drops from 80+ to nothing within a few seconds and i rage-quit and reload. When i come back, the game runs just fine again.


i've actually lowered my video settings, dropped draw distance, ai distance, turned off AA...and i get no better results.


-Kawai Tei-

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You note you haven't changed anything on your PC, but it does sound a lot like a background process starts running after a few minutes, convinced that the PC has nothing else going on at the same time. Have you tried disabling any virus checkers, all-in-one utility packages, etc?
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Why do you need MGE?


I have Morrowind (and the other expansions) but MFE is one I didn't put on, to be honest I'm always suspicious of these "helper" programmes, often they can cause more trouble than they're worth.


As Balkirev says, it's very likly that you have a programme that is running in the background and that's slowing your game down. Do you use Norton? If so I'd look to replace it, the main problem is it's a resource hog. It's better to get a good antivirus system and a good anti spyware system,


Make sure that you get ones that have real-time protection facilities as well. Another culprit is possibly the computer - or should i say the hard drive. As any programme is used, the files tend to become fragmented and end up in a lot of places over the disk. You' would be surprised to realise that because a drive is large, a lot of computer operators don't think they need to defrag the disk - they do!


Try this one, its fast and free Auslogics Disk Defrag

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