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I just watched the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Live Demo for the Xbox 360 on Machinima. and... -_-

fail. just fail. it looks JUST like MW2. but with new maps, a few new guns.

it looks like its using the old MW2 engine, animations, weapons, models that have been reskinned. wth IW? D:<

although they are talking about the stuff they are getting rid of that MW2 had. I mean, MW2 was a fun game when it first came out, over-all the CoD series was good, but the community ruined the series.

now all they care about is getting our money. instead of taking their time to make a game, they just re-use the old game, slap new skins on, maps. and call it a game.

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It looks exactly the same, and I'm sure it will be no better than any other CoD title. Regardless, it has a record amount of pre-orders, and I know I will get sucked into buying it. No matter how bad the games become, they will just keep selling.
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Even if it is like MW2 tis still a very good game.


I'm sure they upgraded it enough to be... Suitable. The changes from MW to MW 2 were not that big either, still a lot of people liked MW 2, and it's going to be the same with MW3, I bet that once again it will break the record of Blackops, like Blackops did for MW 2.



We'll see.

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I'll probably still buy it, rofl.

I was saying the same thing about black ops, but ended up buying black ops.

I'll probably enjoy MW3 more than MW2 and black ops. MW2 was full of bugs, camping noobs, retarded kill-streaks and perks, and instead of fixing the bugs they released over-priced map packs. black ops is just... I dunno, feels too cartoony, didn't really like it compared to MW2, I felt the same way about WaW compared to MW1.

if what IW says is true, that they are listening to the community, I will pick a copy up.

Edited by iSebastein
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Their advertisement consists of "______ feature is back!"


That's all I needed to know. They could just take MW2, put the campaign in the opposite order, and nobody would tell the difference.

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Ha ha ha! That is right! I do see seem things better in it than MW and 2. I do have to say I loved the trailer where they plant the bomb on the submarine, that was a good one. I don't remember anything like that being done yet.
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  • 3 weeks later...
That my friends is why Battlefield 3 is going to be quite a big competition for MW3. I am quite sure that MW3 is barely going to get any good reviews, and for MW4 they won't have a chance at all. I think the only way for me to ever buy another COD game would be just solely zombies mode. I actually really enjoy zombies.
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MW3 will sell better, no doubt there at all, but BF43 will be SOOOO much better as a game.

I am sure by the time bf43 comes out I won't be alive lol

Dumb jokes aside, BF3 is going to be amazing.

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