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Question about changing e-mail address


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After seeing the 'Nexus Data Breach' notification, I went and changed my password - although I was sure I had changed it when this was previously reported, but better safe than sorry so did it (again). While I was there I saw what e-mail address was registered to my Nexus account, it being an address I have no access to anymore as it doesn't exist.


I want to change the e-mail address to something that I have access to, so I can actually receive any e-mail's sent to me from Nexus (if any ever get sent out). However I don't know if this is possible, and didn't want to start the process and find myself locked out of my account - this is because a lot of forums/services/etc will send a confirmation e-mail to the original e-mail address that you have to click a link on to approve the address change... and since that address does not exist anymore, this would never be possible.


So what I'm wondering is - can I change my e-mail address using the "Change e-mail/password" screen without needing access to the current e-mail associated with my Nexus account? Or would I need to get it changed some other way (ie dealing with admins via PM's on the forum)?

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