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Everyone enjoying the new DLC?


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I have 107 active esps and no issues at all with Automatron. The only problem I've had lately is with immersive fast travel and the no-fast travel option not allowing me to use a Virtibird. Not sure if that related at all.


After giving Automatron some thought though... over all I don't see it changing my character very much. There's no good reason to return to the Mechanist's lair after the quest is completed. The robot's pathing is horrendous rendering them useless as companions. For now I'm only using robots as guards and provisioners, which is kind of cool but since whenever you are around them they speak every 4 seconds it's rather annoying. -_-


Oh that's an easy fix. Just give them the "beep beep" voices, they become much less annoying after that.


Kinda cute hearing them beep when they are at their guard station.

Edited by CyrusAmell
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