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Jesus is not to be tested by what he says in the Bible. Faith is believing without seeing, so, if i was in a situation where i had to drink deadly poison, God would deliver me.


Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death the Lord delivers me.


But since this forum is not about God maybe I should stop my spamming.

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Well, I take the bible literraly because i Believe every last word of it.





Then honestly, you're blind and ignorant. No sane person can accept the bible as literal truth. It even contradicts itself! And that's ignoring the contradiction with what is simple, undeniable fact. The bible is wrong. At best, its stories are a metaphorical explanation.



First of all, as you are a moderator I would say it is extremely unwise to start calling members blind and ignorant fools.


Second, if a certain individual believes something, then dont go insulting it just because you dont believe it. Argue it, yes, thats the purpose of this board, but making such a bold statement as, "No sane person can accept the bible as literal truth....The bible is wrong." is quite unnecessary. (You are in fact calling over 1 Billion people insane) If thats what you strongly believe then state that its your personal belief that the bible is wrong, but dont state it as if its a fact. Because its not.



And if you're so confident in your bible's absolute truth... here's a challenge borrowed from another site:

"Read Mark 16:18, in which Jesus says that when true believers "drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all". How strong is your faith? Are you willing to test his claim, by drinking deadly poison? Put your money where your mouth is. Drink a lethal cyanide solution, safe in the protection of your Lord and Saviour."


This is a prime example of one of those metaphorical explanations you yourself was talking about.


I dont believe the bible intends that you can drink deadly poison like water and feel just peachy. Its my belief that if you drink a deadly poison, or something of the like, and you have faith, truly and utterly, then God will deliever you to heaven, where you will live forever with Him.


You see to me this life is just one stage of my existence, when I die, however, and whenever that occurs, I will spend an eternity with God in paradise. Call it foolishness, call me blind and ignorant, but this is my faith, and you have no right to criticize it.




PS- hundinman, you arent spamming your contributing to the conversation, dont be afraid to voice your opinion, whatever anyone else says.

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However, such instances of one group ‘splitting’ into more groups is not evolution, as Creation magazine has pointed out repeatedly. The reason is that no new genetic information arises during such events.


I went to that site about making up BS to proof evolution wrong, I saw much BS indeed, but this was classsic, Ok if evolutionn is not living beings splitting into others then what is it?



You said Peregrine was wrong about telling him to drink poision because he overlooked it was a metaphor? That was his point! the bible is at most just a bunch of metaphor's.

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Just one comment because you guys seem to be bloody chomping for it, all of ya, and that's the thing about Paul supposedly, literally, getting bitten by a poisonous snake and living after a ship wreck in Acts. So perhaps one could argue the Bible says it literally.


However this is not Science vs the Bible, and certainly not Evolution vs the Bible. It is Science vs Science PREFERABLY! :P


That is all.

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Thank you for the support Eltiraaz.


God says that if his believers drink a deadly poison thay will not die. I believe that he meant they will die physically but not spirtually. What I am saying is, God and Jesus' believers are promised eternal life in heaven after they physically die. So if a TRUE beliver in Christ drinks a deadly poison he will most certainly die physically (unless God decides to deliver him/her.) but will then have eternal life in heaven with God!

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Perigrine, could you tone it down a bit, I've been reported to this thread, and no offense meant, but you cannot even in the debates area tell someone that they are ignorant and blind because they think the bible is literal, that is their religion and belief, something you cannot begrudge against. You can however offer your opinion, in a non name calling way. That way we don't end up with a flame war. I assume you just said that in the heat of the argument ;D. Thankyou!.


And this goes for everyone, you can argue in the debates, but remember everyone has their opinion, which they believe in as much as you do. Thankyou!


My appologies for anyone offended by this thread, debates are meant as calm arguments, so everyone please keep cool about things ;D.



-The Raven-out

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