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Call me a nitpicking turd who's just killing time before the BIG game tonight, but I still say "quote" is a verb and we're really talking about "quotations."


My fave of all time is in my sig.

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"History is a pack of lies we play on the dead."

-Voltaire (1694-1778)


"History is a set of lies agreed upon."



"History is written by the victors ... There are a terrible lot of lies going about the world, and the worst of it is that half of them are true.”

-Winston Churchill


"Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one."

“If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”

-Friedrich Neitzsche


If just one person had stopped and taken the time to look at the guy, to listen to him, to figure out what was wrong with him it might not have happened. It took five people to kill him. It would have only taken one person to save his life.

--Some CSI Episode I watched, thought it was a fairly... poignant quote.


"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Here's Some Quotes and Lyrics


"For every man must have somewhere to turn" -Marmadov from Crime and Punishment


"I saw something nasty in the woodshed". -Aunt Ada Doom from Cold Comfort Farm


"Um. Okay. So here's South America down here, and it's like a big um...rectangle and, like, yeah."- Sabrina C.

"Um...Sabrina, that's Brazil. and Brazil should be curvier, like their dancers"- Me

"Um. What? Like,not true." -Sabrina C.

"Like, so true. Hips don't lie babe".- Me


"Wawa Wee Wa"- Borat


"Kazakhstan greatest country in the world. All other countries are run by little girls. Kazakhstan number one exporter of potassium. Other countries have inferior potassium. Kazakhstan home of Tinshein swimming pool. It’s length thirty meter and width six meter. Filtration system a marvel to behold. It remove 80 percent of human solid waste. Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place. From Plains of Tarashek to Norther fence of Jewtown. Kazakhstan friend of all except Uzbekistan. They very nosey people with bone in their brain. Kazakhstan industry best in the world. We invented toffee and trouser belt. Kazakhstan’s prostitutes cleanest in the region. Except of course Turkmenistan’s. Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place. From Plains of Tarashek to Norther fence of Jewtown"-O, Kazakhstan from Borat


"Blood rains down from an angry sky and my cock rages on, my cock rages on" -Gannicus from Spartacus: Gods of the Arena


"The pup bears it's teeth"= Crixus from Spartacus: Blood and Sand


"Commence to Jigglin"- Jiggle Billy from ATHF


"We need to build a time machine so that we can go back in time and stop the asteroid from killing all the dinosaurs so that there won;t be any fossil fuels to fuel my life support machine."- Little Brittle

"Or I could just pull this plug" -Frylock from ATHF


"And I am...I am...I AM IMMORTAL! Okay, I'm not immortal...could somebody help me?" -Master Shake from ATHF


"I need candy, any kind'll do. Don't care if it's nutritious or "FDA approved". It's gonna make me spaz like bobcats on booze. A hyperactive juice that only I can produce. And fuel a giant drill, bore straight into Hell. Releasing ancient demons from their sleep forever spell. So they can walk upon the earth, and get resituated. And Hock the diet pills that MC Pee Pants has created." MC Pee Pants/ MC Chris from ATHF


"But then he'd be sewn back together...wrong." -Toki...um Wartooth I think from Metalocalypse


Edit: How could I forget these?


"My mule don't like getting its feelings hurt"- Man with No Name


"Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water." -Bruce Lee


"I'm gonna kill you all kinds of dead"- Octopus


"Well, Roy, I'm feeling pretty underappreciated up here"- Bruce Willis


"Yipeekayee Mother f***er"- Bruce Willis


"Hans, Boobie, I'm your white knight."- Harry Ellis From Die Hard

Edited by TheMightyLordSheogorath
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Let's see, it's been a long time since I read the LOTR books so I can't remember whether it was Merry or Pippin who said it and I can't remember the exact words but I believe it was something like this.


"A mighty man may be slain by one arrow, and Boromir was struck by many."


One of my favorites quotes.

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"Sir say again we need ****ing air support, enemy armour is moving up the valley and all our AT's been knocked out, we can't hold here without help!" "Don't tell me your problems Kowalski, you got yourself into this mess, you get yourself out" "But ma'am we're almost out of ammunition!" "You've got a knife haven't you?" "BUT WE'RE UP AGAINST A WHOLE ARMOURED BRIGADE!" "So? I saw a Marine called Ramirez kill a Helicopter with a rock once, surely you, with a KNIFE can kill a tank!" "BUT-" "Stop talking private! if you'd stabbed the tank five minutes ago we wouldn't be having this conversation, get it done, you're a marine for christ's sake, you'll walk on water if I want. 2-7 out."-Anonymous and Anonymous.


"Wait, why is AirCraft Carrier in lake in Switzerland? would take many men hours to carry! Make no sense"-Oleg, Red Alert 3.


"All my life have dreamed of this moment now dream finaly become reality! Now I commence torpedo attack on Dolphins!"-Oleg.


"Thank's for asking if I'm ok, Im totaly fine, absolutely dandy. a**hole."-Co-Driver in Colin MCrae Dirt-2, after an accident.


"It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all outa gum"-Duke Nukem


"(Cultist)BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE! KILL! KILL FOR KHORNE!"(Space Marine)" Not very subtle people, are they Brothers? couldn't they come up with a political slogan that doesn't pertain to blood and blood gods? you'd think they had no imagination at all"

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