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What would Adam A. Do


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A while back the concept artist for FO3 an Skyrim died of cancer. Bethesda published his work in memorandum afterwards. Roughly 500 Mb of paper concept art, which is unique in that it's all done on computer now. Less there are still artists whom insist that paper has a higher refresh rate working in the industry. To which Adam replied as a reason to ignore Photoshop && Autodesk, jokingly.


At the time I got a copy of all the 500 Mb drawings, and many of them struck me. One in particular was a picture of the bombs exploding, an another was of a guy surrounded by clutter in a small room sitting on a couch in front of a huge (and I do mean huge) television set. Bubble screen an cabinet, the whole works. So I put a huge TV in Vault 111 as a prototype. Works great.


Now way back then as part of my thanks to Adam an Bethesda thereby. I took my favorite drawing that Adam A. drew, an put it on a poster with his name at the bottom right, as these are not signed art, an it doesn't count unless it's signed. To the left I put "Drink all the beer" as Adam's favorite quote in remembrance. Though it's was a very informal memorandum locked into a prototype.


Since most of you are doing this kind of thing anyway. I thought it would be fine to mention it. The new webpage might have archived pages that cover this, I would think it would, but have fun looking. Then maybe the pictures, or the idea that what Fallout is now was determined by time, long ago, by other people, for the many Fallout games. To that end, find it an be inspired.



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Adamowicz was an awesome artist. He did concept work for Skyrim as well.
When i'm stumped designing a level, i always go lookup his and other concept artist's work for inspiration.
Makes me wish I could draw, max i can do is stick figures :P

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