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ENB not working with Windows 10


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So I'm making this post as a last attempt to get any help, I've been frustratingly googling info and tips on how to fix my problem but it seems this is a VERY unique problem as I can't seem to find it anywhere.


So recently, I uninstalled skyrim completely, no mods, directory was gone. I reinstalled it and got all my mods back etc and the only thing left was to install my ENB. That's when my problem occured, no matter what I attempted, nothing can get past my error. Whenever I try launching SKSE with ENB, an error pops up saying "Couldn't inject DLL".


I made a video on this so you can see what my problem is exactly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Y3AspsUteE


My specs are:


Windows 10 64bit


16gb Corsair Vengeance RAM

Zotac GTX 970 - Currenly on the latest drivers, 364.51.


I've tried EVERY fix I could find in google from the June 2010 download, Xbox overlay, injector enb, nothing has worked at all. I don't want to revert back to Win 8.1 but if I must then so be it. I just want to find a way to fix this very rare problem of mine before having to do the "last resort" of reverting back. Thanks in advance! :smile:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am also having this problem. When launching with ENBseries, whether I'm using SKSE or the base game, it crashes on launch with an error (Error 0xc0000005 if I remember correctly). I've tried the wrapper, injector and directx download. I have practically identical specs as well. I've considered doing a clean install and going back to windows 7, but I would much prefer not to.

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Unfortunately. Boris has made the decision that he is not supporting Windows 10 with ENB....


There are some workarounds that are hit and miss, but unfortunately the you'll probably end up having to either dual-boot and whatever other operating system that you can get to work.

Edited by Reynard131
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I've had loads of problems with trying to get ENBoost (RAM-enhancer, not a preset) to work on Win7 for Skyrim; works flawlessly with FallOut 4, presets and all, but refused to work on Skyrim. Followed a video on YouTube by Gopher to only see I did everything right...


Except that, Gopher's video was mistaken. In his vid, he told folks to get the latest ENB (which is v0305 right now) and install the Wrapper, while for some reason I needed to install the Injector. Also, with ENB v0305, I had a stutterfest which had me grab for v0292 and that one worked like a charm.


Problem is that with the Injector version, you're unable to use any presets, as Injector's .ini file is set to turn off all presets. I don't mind though, as I was only installing the lot to get me to use more RAM...


So, DoodleDude, go to the ENB page, download version 0292, unpack and install the Injector instead of the Wrapper... can't help you with the use of ENB presets though :sad:


By the way, be aware that, for the Injector to work, you need to first use the Injector.exe before starting the game and do this everytime you either rebooted the PC or deactivated the Injector, and that you need to copy six files from ENB to your Skyrim install folder: enbhost.exe, enbinjector.exe, enbinjector.ini, enblocal.ini, enbseries.dll and enbseries.ini

Edited by JimmyRJump
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My problem was directx. You need to reinstall the DirectX End User Runtime. Which is a major pain to find on the miscrosoft site since everything tries to make you install windows 10, even if windows 10 is already installed.




Is working for me right now, but who knows, you might click on it and be told to install windows 10. I"m pretty sure that is the right one too. DirectX 9 is what you need. The EUR should say 2007 or 2009, anything later is too new and will not make Skyrim work.


I use a laptop and don't mess with the injector.

I also had to go global and make my nvidia card the default card for 3d and physx apps.

Get invidia inspector and load the skyrim profile.


Also, you have to configure enblocal.ini to your computer, you can't just drag and drop it in and expect it to work.


Also, is it working without ENB? I see you have SSME and SKSE, but you don't need SSME with the new SKSE, they might be interacting and causing a problem. The error window says SKSE dll didn't load not enb.

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