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My fish are dead.


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So yesterday I was building a new section for my fish pond, to use it as a natural filter with plants and no fish in it. I moved all the fish to a smaller section so I could drain the pond and work on it. Then I refilled the pond carefully with dechlorinated water, and set the fish out again, along with a few guppies in the biofilter section for fun.


Today I found out that my mother overdosed them on algaecide and they're all dead. Every last one of them. Even the adorable fantails that I wanted to see grow fat, and the orphaned goldfish I found abandoned. All of the koi I got at a discount, and the first fish I ever had, a 6 inch long fantail. She's dead too. So I'm miserable. This is terrible. It's horrible getting to see a fish you've had for 7 years curl up and just die like that.

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dude... you probably feel worse than I do

In fact, im sure you do. I know fish are replaceble, (i should know, we get a new beta every 3 or 4 years) but they are close to your heart.

I wish I could say something to help, man

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The tallies are in. Out of 37 fish, five are healthy and living, 2 are gasping around sideways, and the rest are dead. Also around 30 or so dead guppies. Argh...


Edit: RIP.





Freaking baby fantails aren't supposed to die..


Edit: Only four fish left. The gaspers died, and one of the healthy ones got killed by the tigers barbs it was sharing a tank with.

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Awww, I'm so sorry, that sucks :(


We lost one of our glass bloodfin tetras recently...but like Calliton said..even though they are replaceable, it still hurts.

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Not quite replaceable unforuntately.. It takes years to grow a fantail to the right size. And so now I only have one fish left from my first ever bunch of fish. Catnip was lucky to have preferred being an indoor fish.
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Well, I think I'm okay now. Buried them all. There's a grand total of three survivors: All of them were the cheap 25 cent goldfish I got at Wal-Mart. Funny how that turned out. The expensive imported ones had to die. Okay, I got the imported ones free, but they cost someone money. Also, the three survivors have got to be the ugliest fish I've ever seen.


Good news: The algaecide worked really well. There is no algae left in the pond. The water striders or whatever they're called are fine. Hmph.

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Well, I think I'm okay now. Buried them all. There's a grand total of three survivors: All of them were the cheap 25 cent goldfish I got at Wal-Mart. Funny how that turned out. The expensive imported ones had to die. Okay, I got the imported ones free, but they cost someone money. Also, the three survivors have got to be the ugliest fish I've ever seen.


Good news: The algaecide worked really well. There is no algae left in the pond. The water striders or whatever they're called are fine. Hmph.


Oh Man that SUCKS!! You definitely have my sympathies. Such beautiful fish too. And ironic indeed that the Wal-Mart guys lived over the more expensive ones :confused: Hopfeully you'll be able to get the pond population back to its former glory.


Not totally comparable, but when we got home from vacation last week, my mother had um..."trimmed" the bush by my front door. She told me this while I was away, but I thought she meant just trimmed down the longer, straggle sprigs. Nope! She had cut it down to the wood :facepalm: I had a bundle of ugly twigs by the front door! I was so out done! Needless to say she was not trying to hear my protests about it. Moms, sheesh, lol!

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