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My fish are dead.


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I know this is a morbid subject and I'm sorry, but too add some gallows humor..."Holmes, the fish ain't dead. Could a dead fish swim that fast down a toilet? No? I didn't thinbk so. Mister Goldie is just on another Spec Ops mission to Russia".
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Why use algecide? Try sucker fish! We have a chinese sucker fish (the little meany, he likes to latch onto the frog once in a while) and a snail, and our fish tank is pretty clean. It obviously still requires some cleaning, but less often. Try it out, uberdude!
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All the fish in my pond are dying because there hasn't been any rain in over a month where I live and my pond is drying up, it gets lower and lower every day and soon all the ducks will leave when there's no more water.
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I have a giant plecostomus in a 30 gallon tank indoors, but I'm afraid of throwing them out there because of the winter. I can't leave them out there; they'd freeze, and I can't haul them in 'cuz those suckers are fast. I'm considering trapdoor snails.


The hard part now is trying to restock the pond for cheap. I can't find any local people who want to empty their ponds out this time around, and if I buy them from a breeder they won't have the same variety.


Also, I checked on eBay for fun, and set it to Koi and Nearest First. It gave me some 1,400 dollar fancy koi breed that's for show. People pay that much for a single fish?


I think the reason the 25 cent goldfish survive is because they're so easy to keep alive. If they died at the drop of a hat (Ahem, angelfish), then they'd be more expensive. My statement of "They're ugly" stands.


Corakus: What kind of pond is it? One of the huge ones with a bottom make of dirt?

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Have you tried your local Craigslist? There's a lot of people around my area that were giving away koi for super cheap or sometimes even free :D Look under the pets section in Community
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Yep, but Craigslist doesn't have many people selling pond fish. It's mostly saltwater fish or people getting rid of tanks. Nearest person selling pond fish was about 2.6 hours away, which is more time than I'd be comfortable having fish sitting in a bucket in a car. The local classified sections might prove useful.
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