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Legacy of Skynet


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If anyone's played Fallout 2, they might remember Skynet. The supercomputer who refers to himself in the third person. A poor little AI who just wants to get out and explore the world to collect data. All it needs is a cybernetic brain to download into and a robobrain body to move around in.


Now, we know Skynet was around during the Chosen One's travels... but who's to say he's not still hanging around the wasteland? As a supercomputer AI in a robot body, he's essentially immortal. Who's to say he didn't make his way to the Mojave Desert after parting ways with the Chosen One?


Well... we already have Robobrains in Fallout: New Vegas. It'd just take some companion scripting and possibly an electronic voice reader. Maybe a retexture to make the Robobrain look dirty and rusty. Afterall, Skynet's been traveling for decades since his adventures with the Chosen One.


The only thing I see as a problem is... we'd need a set of custom Robobrain animations so Skynet would be able to wield weapons given to him...


The Courier could probably run into him deactivated somewhere, and needs, I dunno, Fission Batteries, Conductors, Sensor Modules, Scrap Metal, and Scrap Electronics to get him back in working order, or something. Might be too similar to how ED-E is acquired, so maybe just re-activate him with some Energy Cells and a high enough Science skill.


I was super psyched that Marcus was in Fallout: New Vegas (and with his original voice actor too! *fangirl squeal*), but what about Skynet? It's possible he's still around, right? Anyone else think this'd be an epic blast from the past?


Just thought of a quest chain that ends with you finding him, remember that Follower Chick who wanted you to hack into the mainframe? turns out the hack worked after all and has revealed something surprising. A huge pre-war vault lies buried somewhere under outer Vegas, you are sent to six locations, by way of a old enclave deserters logs. At the end, of course you find Skynet.

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Exactly. He wouldn't be in a super high-tech location that's been sealed for years if he just busted down while traveling.


What I'm worried about, though, is how we get a robobrain to wield rifles. There are only a tiny handful of modders on the Nexus who can do animations, and I have no idea how to get ahold of any or whether they'd even be interested in this project.

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If the base animations are okay, it could be as simple as pasting a rifle model on and moving the node that the projectile fires from.


Or it could require re-animation, which I dont think my friend would likely do, unless I said please a lot. Heh.

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Some bad news Im afraid, my drive with steam (and the mod) went completely dead on me, again.

Cant recover any of the data on it. Im making a new partition from my D drive which gives me about 30gb for steam so I can actually use New Vegas, doesnt quite add up to the 160gb of space on the dead drive though.


Ill start again as soon as I can.

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