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Nif does not load correctly.


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I'm having trouble importing an obj. In 3DS it looks fine, just how I made it. But in Nifscope it is all mucked up and half the head is missing. What have I done wrong?


3DS Render



Nifscope Render


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sounds to me that some faces are backwards - as a test you could try right clicking on the NiNode -> Node - > attach property - -> NiStencilProperty - This would make any backwards faces visible but regardless it'll still need fixing or it won't render properly I suspect

, but anyway, mostly what ghogiel said too.

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I made the model in anim8or, then triangulated it in 3DS.

The model has no uv map.

Made with 2009 vertices.

It takes 1 minute to load in nif scope. It's file size is 8 mg.

I used default obj export options. The same as I always do. I've got many of my models working in nifscope, its just this one.


Anyway I'll try the backward faces option you said.


EDIT: I just tried that, but all it did was make the back visible again, make it still looks the same. wtf...

Edited by TheLozza
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Dropped faces.


The file size is 8 meg. Which means it has WAAAAAAAY more than 2009 verts. more like 20,000, if not 200,000 verts. You're asking for trouble with an 8mb nif imo. I have made some expensive outfits that contain skinning inforamtion 20-25k tris, and I hvaen't gone over -2meg. and your mesh is basically just a stick with a sphere on the end. Nifs have a hardcoded upper limit per mesh object, it's like 65tris. Maybe what you have done is gone over that and the import won't work, and it drops verts tha are numbered after that 65k limit is reached. Check the NiTriShapeData to see vert counts and TriCounts (remember vert counts in nifs include other vertices like UV verts. so the number is not going to represent the number displayed in max.)


You can split the mesh into 2 objects and export them separately, make sure reset Xforms and collapse the stacks to reorder the vertex numbers, that will probably sort your mesh out enough so it can be exported/imported.


It is wise to UV it. I know that the nif exporter has some issues with dropping faces if your UV is mashed up. and simply just by changing the UV the exporter will get the mesh out correctly... tbh I don't see the point of exporting without at least UVing it first.


I don't use OBJ exports to make nifs, but you can narrow the issue down to either the OBJ export FUBARring, or the OBJ import into nifskope FUBARing.

Export the OBJ and then just reimport it back into max, is the mesh intact?


If it is then that would mean it is being FUBARed at nifskope import.

Edited by Ghogiel
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Thanks for the reply.


And yes, it has 20 000 verts. I will separate the mesh, also, since I am new to modeling, can you get the verts count down by 'pressing a random button on 3DS'. I've been using anim8or, and that doesn't have many options, but I still think its better.


Also, how do you position the mutilated skull mesh onto the stick mesh in Niffy?

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You can try the optimize modifier in 3ds max, or use a third party plugin called Polygon Cruncher which provides better results than the modifier.


I've had problems with invisible polygons before. Do you import obj into nifskope or do you export to nifskope via 3ds max? If the latter is the case, try disable the "generate strips" option in the export window. That seems to cause invisible polygon issues sometimes.


As for correct positioning for parts of the model in nifskope, as long as the parts have the same pivot point when you exported them, they should automatically be in the correct position when you assemble them in nifskope

Edited by Isilmeriel
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I'd do a retopo by hand. optimisation scripts won't be ideal. In the ideal situation you would draw you final topology out by hand more or less.


You can use max to do this. Older version have a retop scrip that works much like quad draw in Maya, You'll have to do a search for it. New versions have something like that built in. Just google 3ds max retopology tools or something and you'll hit it eventually I'm sure.


then there is a slew of other programs that have topology tools. from zbrush to topogun.

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I'll try both your ideas. And I exported to obj via anim8or, then imported to 3DS to check if the model looked good (anim8or render is kinda boring). Then load the obj directly into Nifscope.




EDIT: Polygon crusher seems the most useful, I really would like it but its only compatible with 3DS 2011 - down. I'm using 2012, which no plugins are compatible with --_--

Edited by TheLozza
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