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Nakedness in Skyrim



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  1. 1. Nudity?

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No vote... as long as the undies don't look horrid, it's all good. It would look really, really odd for folks to be tooling around in boxers and undershirts in a fantasy setting. IMO something minimalist but not ridiculous works just fine. Comparing the setting of TES to real-world norms in the medieval period isn't necessarily accurate, either; the degree of modesty offered by underwear is deeply connected with cultural norms, and the TES setting a a lot more *ahem* permissive than Earth of the same tech level. There's no more reason to show everyone in bloomers than there is to have them all wearing thongs.


Which is all a long-winded way of saying I'm perfectly happy with some manner of loincloth or bikini, for men and women.


IMO the argument against nudity from the standpoint of "kids might inadvertently see it" is rather silly. It isn't the developer's job to keep your little'uns from seeing things you don't want them seeing. Ignoring the whole argument that seeing nudity somehow damages kids (which I disagree with, having been raised around nudity myself), it doesn't make sense to impose restrictions on the majority of the game's target audience based on the old "we must protect the children" line of thinking. Most of the people who will buy and play this game, statistically, are single adults in their late teens to mid twenties... and most folks who fit that description don't have kids running around. No offense or anything, but using kids as a justification for censorship in games only serves to reinforce the idiotic popular notion that all games are somehow for kids.


I consider a "enable/disable underwear" button in the options menu to be an entirely reasonable and appropriate solution to the nudity conundrum.


Basically, this.


Nudity is natural. But today it's a kind of "sin".

But when it comes to RPG's it would distract, so a on/off button (like in The Saboteur) is nice.

And yes, I don't think 10 year olds will play Skyrim, and if they will then it's the parents fault, and the gore is far more aggressive then nudity.

Well, today you can play a game where cutting someones head of and spilling their guts is ok, but a naked man/woman is wrong in every possible way? Please, learn to understand life people!

I totally agree you can go out slaughter familys ruin peoples life and basicly be the devil but nudity is where they draw the limits? LOL

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Modders take care of that detail pretty quickly, so I'd prefer Bethesda keep the underwear-look they've kept implementing...after all, if you don't want to be nude there are only a few body mods with that built in! :biggrin:


As for a serious reason, it just doesn't feel right having nudity in Skyrim. It feels like I'm in a fantasy world, where all my dreams can come true, and then you distract me from it by making me see a naked, obese male nord walking by me and I'm scarred for life (yes, the customization will probably allow for that!).


I would prefer such a feature being left to the modding community since it's already a popular interest.

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nay, saves Bethesda from dealing with fox news and modders always take care of that the frist week or so.



Besides, there are children in this game. Think of the npc children!



You beat me to it! :D


Besides, do we really want Bethsda doing the nudes? The bodies in Morrowind were horrible, and only a bit better in Oblivion.

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What the hell is with people wanting nudity in Skyrim?

Really, do you really think nudity will actualy add anything useful to the game?


If you want my opinion, I am disgusted by all these

distasteful 'adult' mods that give you revealing bikini armor and 25 kilogram breasts.


And I wouldn't be surprised if half of the Bethesda employees are disappointed by the way their game and it's tools are being used for these sick mods.


And I think nudity should be the last thing Mr. Howard plans on implementing.



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What the hell is with people wanting nudity in Skyrim?

Really, do you really think nudity will actualy add anything useful to the game?


If you want my opinion, I am disgusted by all these

distasteful 'adult' mods that give you revealing bikini armor and 25 kilogram breasts.


And I wouldn't be surprised if half of the Bethesda employees are disappointed by the way their game and it's tools are being used for these sick mods.


And I think nudity should be the last thing Mr. Howard plans on implementing.




Being disgusted by nudity is wrong.

It's natural, and it's not sick.


But it's not needed, and useless in games, except when it's done right. It wouldn't be of use in Skyrim, but if people want to mod it in, let them.

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4: First off, where did Daggerfall have nudity (DONT GIVE A PIC!)? Second, the ESRB did not exist then. Hence, it was totally unrated, as no rating system existed.


The female daedra and witches (Along with many other female characters with a magical bent) were topless.


You could also find nudes/semi nudes in the Dibella temples, random chicks in some of the rooms at the inns, and i believe in the King of Worms lair or Dark Brotherhood (the real King of Worms, not the watered down retcon in Oblivion, btw).


I didn't necessarily go looking for it, but I am the sort of player who opens every door she sees just to see what's in there.

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IMO the argument against nudity from the standpoint of "kids might inadvertently see it" is rather silly. It isn't the developer's job to keep your little'uns from seeing things you don't want them seeing. Ignoring the whole argument that seeing nudity somehow damages kids (which I disagree with, having been raised around nudity myself), it doesn't make sense to impose restrictions on the majority of the game's target audience based on the old "we must protect the children" line of thinking. Most of the people who will buy and play this game, statistically, are single adults in their late teens to mid twenties... and most folks who fit that description don't have kids running around. No offense or anything, but using kids as a justification for censorship in games only serves to reinforce the idiotic popular notion that all games are somehow for kids.


I consider a "enable/disable underwear" button in the options menu to be an entirely reasonable and appropriate solution to the nudity conundrum.



This! It all comes down to parents not wanting to, you know, actually parent. Instead of being invoilved with their children and what they're doing, they throw it back on the game designers/FCC/etc to protect their little darlings from such horrors as cuss words and nudity.


Regarding the enable/disable option, both Daggerfall and Battlespire had Parental Controls. But again, this would require active parenting.


Please don't kill me if you're actually a good parent. I only mean the ones who use media devices as a babysitter, then cry and whine when their kid sees something they shouldn't. Also, would like to point out that I'm an American, and at my age (46) life is too short to worry about naked pixels :P

Edited by nyxalinth
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What the hell is with people wanting nudity in Skyrim?

Really, do you really think nudity will actualy add anything useful to the game?


If you want my opinion, I am disgusted by all these

distasteful 'adult' mods that give you revealing bikini armor and 25 kilogram breasts.


And I wouldn't be surprised if half of the Bethesda employees are disappointed by the way their game and it's tools are being used for these sick mods.


And I think nudity should be the last thing Mr. Howard plans on implementing.




Being disgusted by nudity is wrong.

It's natural, and it's not sick.


But it's not needed, and useless in games, except when it's done right. It wouldn't be of use in Skyrim, but if people want to mod it in, let them.


I'm not sickend and duisgusted by the actuall nudity.

Im sikened and disgusted by the fact that nudity mods are so popular and about 75% of mods are adult only.Are nudity and bikini mods the only thing people can come up with. I think a bit of creativity is needed here

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Being disgusted by nudity is wrong.

It's natural, and it's not sick.


But it's not needed, and useless in games, except when it's done right. It wouldn't be of use in Skyrim, but if people want to mod it in, let them.


I'm not sickend and duisgusted by the actuall nudity.

Im sikened and disgusted by the fact that nudity mods are so popular and about 75% of mods are adult only.Are nudity and bikini mods the only thing people can come up with. I think a bit of creativity is needed here

Truly there are a lot of nude mods.

But the people can choose what they want to do, and we should be happy to have such talented people.

Hopefully in Skyrim, these guys will create more lore friendly mods. It gets a little annoying to see 3 featured files being bikini's or latex clothing...

And that's one thing I don't like too, there are a lot of female clothing mods, but not male. Since I play male characters I don't have a wide selection to choose from, which is a shame.

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