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Hardest game you played...


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Transformers: War For Cybertron. The only good TF game in a bloody long time(not since Melbourne House died :( )and a little gem hidden amongst truly abysmal movie tie-tins, it on max dificulty I think is about as hard as you can get and still be really fun, it's one of those wierd little dificulty levels that's just absolutely spot-on, like a Halo on Heroic, legendary would be too hard to be not frustrating, Normal would be a cakewalk, but Heroic is "just so".


Dawn Of War II on Primarch. Alas I am NOT a Primarch which means I had to sneak through this EVIL and incredibly unrelisticaly hard game mode using cunning and guile. I never played it again either on Primarch because every body knows Space Marines are virtualy indestructible, they don't keel over after a single Shuriken Catapult shell.*fanrage*


Split Second: Velocity: Dificulty done wrong, very wrong, infact the whole game just stinks of badly made really. The AI will ALWAYS have a faster car than you, and usualy a whole class above at that( we aren't talking a small diference, we're talking a tutorial car VS an endgame unlock) and when that means a diference of asmuch as 70 MPH top speed, it's just painful, Worse, you lose MASSIVE amounts of velocity whenever you steer even slightly, the AI don't, and the AI also works as a team to stop you, rather than racing against eachother-once a brekaway has occured catching up is virtualy impossible as the game favours just that(though the AI are essentialy teleported to you should you make a break) further, the AI at the front won't duel eachother for position, they'll instead work to try and stop you catching them.


Everyone knows a teamate is your biggest rival-Ayrton Senna VS Allain Prost anyone? best racing I ever saw, and they were in the same team, but they kept it fair, and usualy acted like gentlemen... usualy Likewise Louis Hamilton VS Fernando Alonso, epic battle, ego-warfare on a grand scale, and while neither came close to Senna or Prost for talent or skill, it was a helluva year, fireworks abounded.


Split Second? I was playing that once. Very nice game very nice. But in every game when u set "hard" -.- It is always someone faster,stronger etc. than you. Like in Mount&Blade Warband i set everything to hard...100% difficulty enemy hit me every 0.25 seconds and ofc once looter killed me with one single fu**ing hit!!!! Can u believe it? Ofc u can't ...It's a looter!!!


Anyway my point is that every game cheats with that hard stuff... Hard is not when you give someone super-extra stats, it's when you set AI to be smarter than player -.-. Damn it.These new games, there is no inspiration and will...

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Then you clearly didn't play it very long.


Out of all the Arcadey racers I've ever played, and I've played a LOT of them, Split Second would be right down there with Wheelspin, NFS Prostreet(and most NFS games that existed before the new age of sublime NFS gamnes came about in 2008 and after the last good one died in 2001), and the mindbogglingly bad Flatout, Full Auto, and Ridgeracer games.


The drift handling works: it's spotless... almost. However the I would say that the rest of the game, compared to rivals, is absolutely MISERABLE. Play Need For Speed Hot Pursuit, then tell me Split Second is a good game. For pities sake it's three hours long!


Gran Turismo: a game I dislike with a fairly significant amount of passion. It's flaw is that you have to go through literaly about eight hours of tutorials. And it's like no racing game tutorial should be: it talks down to you, assumes you're an idiot, and gives you no way to say "sorry bud, but I actualy can probably drive better than you can, I HAVE been a gamer since '98 afterall, and you're a braindead computer robot ai thing" And all for a game that's sub-mediocre at best, and lacks any personality. :/ It's not outright hard, it's hard to get into.


And I don't want to hear Sony fans say "you just aren't tough enough" or "it's to keep noobs out" either, that isn't up for discussion.

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Halo 2 or 3. On legendary.


I beat Halo 3 on Legendary with over 5 skulls on. I died over 200 times within ten minutes of Halo 2's level Gravemind. At the end of Gravemind, 2 hunters (instakill) with infinite ammo blasts fuel cannon rays at you. Then about 30 blue elites (5 hit kill), 15 red elites (3 hit kill), 10 orange elites (2 hit kill), and 5 white elites (instakill), most of which have dual plasma rifles or swords (about 1400 shots are likely to be fired per minute, with infinite ammo). Any of them instakill with swords, and at least ten will have them. To kill a blue takes 2 sniper shots to the head, red 5 sniper shots, orange 8 fuel rod cannon shots, and white 25 fuel rod shots and 4 rockets and 2 plasma grenades (all that to lower the shields), and then one punch. The hunters require 10 sniper shots to the gut meat. About 35 brutes of various types (2 hit kill and instakill) will also be firing at you. If that isn't bad enough, once (and if) you finish that lot off, 2 orange elites come with 2 Councilors. Councilors would take multiple sword slashes on Normal, and take around the full 20 of a sword, and 2 plasma grenades. Then, there is the Honor Guard Councilor. This thing is scary as anything. First off, it pretty much doesn't die. According to my calculations, you need 3 full swords of 20, 2 fuel rod cannon sets of 30, 8 plasma rifles (4 pairs of duals), and about 10 plasma grenades to weaken the shields, then about 8 sword slashes in the weak state. I have never beaten the level on legendary.

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It's probably a tie between Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire and Syndicate: American Revolt.


I second that. Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire was just stuppidly difficult. It was surely an amazing feat to beat it without heavy casualties. :ohdear:

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Computer chess on level 10. Or minesweeper.


I partially say no on minesweeper. My beginner time is 7 seconds, my intermediate about 84, and 246 is my expert time. It's about probability, math, and geometry.

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Computer chess on level 10. Or minesweeper.


I partially say no on minesweeper. My beginner time is 7 seconds, my intermediate about 84, and 246 is my expert time. It's about probability, math, and geometry.


Yeah, if you know what you're doing you can do it easily. Just have to have patience and not click randomly like a n00b.

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Computer chess on level 10. Or minesweeper.


I partially say no on minesweeper. My beginner time is 7 seconds, my intermediate about 84, and 246 is my expert time. It's about probability, math, and geometry.


Yeah, if you know what you're doing you can do it easily. Just have to have patience and not click randomly like a n00b.


Exactly. When you think carefully, and run the math through your head, it's pretty easy. I mean, I get intemediate done in less than 2 minutes usually, but that's because I take my time when thinking.

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EVE is probably, if not the hardest non arcade game I've played, then undeniably the meanest.


There was a picture doing the rounds a while back, which showed the EVE dificulty curve. The curve was shown as a cliff so steep that it actualy curved back on itself, and the stickmen climbing it often fell off onto the spikes below because it eventualy doubled back completely and whent horizontal, and above the cliff at the top is shown machineguns, monsters, and bulldozers waiting to push anyone who does climb up back down onto the spikes.


It's only half exagerating too, because this game is EVIL. In EVE it's PVP everywhere, the only restrictions are financial. Each star system has a set "security status" that's about 90% concrete. In status 0.4 or below it's total free-for-all PVP, you can even kill your corpmates(guildmates) In 0.5 and above, it's generaly fairly safe, but you CAN attack ANYONE, albiet that if you do, your SHIP will be destroyed after a brief window to score your kill, leaving you in an escape pod, and thus very very vulnerable. If you can afford to replace a ship with sufficient killpower to nail a one-hit-wonder then you can kill anyone you can kill, anywhere, any time.


I once shot an ISK farmer on a two-hour-old alt, perfectly legal, and while the guy ironicaly reported me, the moderators will just smirk and say "welcome to EVE" Because in EVE, there are no rules.

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