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Hardest game you played...


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EVE is probably, if not the hardest non arcade game I've played, then undeniably the meanest.


There was a picture doing the rounds a while back, which showed the EVE dificulty curve. The curve was shown as a cliff so steep that it actualy curved back on itself, and the stickmen climbing it often fell off onto the spikes below because it eventualy doubled back completely and whent horizontal, and above the cliff at the top is shown machineguns, monsters, and bulldozers waiting to push anyone who does climb up back down onto the spikes.


It's only half exagerating too, because this game is EVIL. In EVE it's PVP everywhere, the only restrictions are financial. Each star system has a set "security status" that's about 90% concrete. In status 0.4 or below it's total free-for-all PVP, you can even kill your corpmates(guildmates) In 0.5 and above, it's generaly fairly safe, but you CAN attack ANYONE, albiet that if you do, your SHIP will be destroyed after a brief window to score your kill, leaving you in an escape pod, and thus very very vulnerable. If you can afford to replace a ship with sufficient killpower to nail a one-hit-wonder then you can kill anyone you can kill, anywhere, any time.


I once shot an ISK farmer on a two-hour-old alt, perfectly legal, and while the guy ironicaly reported me, the moderators will just smirk and say "welcome to EVE" Because in EVE, there are no rules.

Wasn't there a lawsuit on a guy who destroyed a station building the Titan. Funny how it is estimated to cost around 10k $ of REAL LIFE MONEY.

I am not really a EVE player but my dad occasionaly plays it, and well having or building a Titan is.... not the easiest thing to do and as far as I know you can't even dock it.

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The Titan is always in space, and I believe you can only protect it with a POS, and a POS is scant shelter, I know, I've shelled POS', they go do easily if you have enough cannons and shells. Thing about POS' is you just need to pound and pound, and if you can keep shuttles hauling in shells, you can kill any POS given long enough.


Which is a long winded way of saying yeah, you can't just make a Titan and expect to steamroll the world and become a demigod, instead, it's a fraught experience, of constant terro that someone's gonna blow it up, because short of perma-cloaking the darn thing, and hiding in a POS, you can't really hide or protect something that big, and just like a POS, enough cannon can bring one down.


The other thing about EVE is that it's unforgiving, and it tries to be unforgiving. It's got intrigue, it's got betrayals, it's got drama, it's got passion, it's got forbidden love, it's got absolutely every good writing feature, but EVE doesn't have a storyline or AI, no, it''s got all that because it can make players get so emotionaly involved in it that they feel all those emotions.


A classic example was that one morning my time, evening their time, my former corp and I got bored so we decided as one to "Ehh, lets go find a wormhole & slap someone's *&%^" Coming into the wormhole we encountered a Sleipnir, a stupendously overpriced, mid-weight warship. My boss told us to hold fire, he knew the guy, knew he was a psycho, and didn't want to start a war. I hadn't had any cofee since my roomate drank it all the night before and yelled back "*censored*!, that Sleipnir would make a fine trophy" and starting shooting the guy, who paniced and got cooltimered(could'nt leave the womrhole) and eventualy some of thge more bloodcrazed corpies joined me. The Sleipnir went burning into hell with my cannon shells through it's hull, and I hauled it's carcass in as loot(still got her guns in my hangar, like I said, a fine trophy, and I take trophies whenver I can, I'm like the Predator from Alien, but with ship bits rather than spines n skulls)


The end result was me getting in huge trouble for disobeying a direct order, the Sleipnir's former owner(it supposedly wasn't insured either) delcaring war on us, and me me suddenly finding myself in Alliastra. Five days of pure emotion in about four hours. Epic.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Planescape Torment that is a hell of a game too. Took me 6 hours to get outta first area O.o on EASY! I mean the controls on PC are just not enough. I need joystick for God's sake! And when i tried playin' it on hard... Guess what?! I never came outta first area! xD I mean really if no one played this game you really have missed something. I mean the game is great RPG, yes it's old but it's still great! That is the game i think with largest dialogue of all games... I mean its like couple thousands of pages i don't know... But it's really worth playing, lot's of thinking lot's of strategy needed. I mean i am 15 and this game is like that bioshock daddy against me. O.o


Mount&Blade: Warband ... Yea i know you will say now: " Wtf! That is not hard at all! " But by God i am playing that game for two years and i still can't go 50 against 50 army, they just have hulk stats!! That's the problem with some games.. The AI... Damn i mean they are still dumb as hell they put a shield in time when im 15 feet away from them and when i come they get that shield down. But that's not my problem the problem is they are hitting every 0.25 seconds they do like 25 damange of my 54 health and i don't know if i turn on 100% difficulty that i couldn't win battle 50 against 20. Really God damn hard -.-.



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I agree with TheMightyLordSheogorath...it's definitely "LIFE". I swear, I sleep all day and don't go outside until the rest of the world has gone to bed, but I digress. The hardest games for me are console, unless they're rhythm...I'm good with those. These days I stick with PC, but where are all the old arcade machines with the joysticks that are so tough you could literally HANG off of them?!?! I miss those...
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