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You know that you are playing Fallout 4 too much when............


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I had a moment during the first week of release, where I was at work walking past a desk that had a big pack of duct-tape on it... i glanced it and looked away, and my brain immediately caused me to do a double take, with the thought of "ooo duct tape! Adhesive!" ... only to feel crazy a moment after looking back at it lol.

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When you realize you have not had a social life since before Morrowind came out...in 2002...

I feel you man ... Must have put in around 2000 hours into Bethesda games. Not even counting the hours modding them or coming here to pick up some new mod-sauce. Combined with the hours I will play FO4 it will probably equal a full year of my life in a year or two. Never been unemployed so that's all at times when other people go out and do other fun stuff. But I also know that I don't have any regrets. The creative aspect combined with the open worlds and open game structure make them the ultimate virtual pastime. And to me they are a source of inspiration and motivation too.

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When you realize you have not had a social life since before Morrowind came out...in 2002...

I feel you man ... Must have put in around 2000 hours into Bethesda games. Not even counting the hours modding them or coming here to pick up some new mod-sauce. Combined with the hours I will play FO4 it will probably equal a full year of my life in a year or two. Never been unemployed so that's all at times when other people go out and do other fun stuff. But I also know that I don't have any regrets. The creative aspect combined with the open worlds and open game structure make them the ultimate virtual pastime. And to me they are a source of inspiration and motivation too.


I know...I have put over 4500 hours into Skyrim itself. But the worst part is...I never even finished the main quest. Not even close. "Hi...my name is Yzerman...I am a mod junkie..."

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When you realize you have not had a social life since before Morrowind came out...in 2002...

I feel you man ... Must have put in around 2000 hours into Bethesda games. Not even counting the hours modding them or coming here to pick up some new mod-sauce. Combined with the hours I will play FO4 it will probably equal a full year of my life in a year or two. Never been unemployed so that's all at times when other people go out and do other fun stuff. But I also know that I don't have any regrets. The creative aspect combined with the open worlds and open game structure make them the ultimate virtual pastime. And to me they are a source of inspiration and motivation too.


I know...I have put over 4500 hours into Skyrim itself. But the worst part is...I never even finished the main quest. Not even close. "Hi...my name is Yzerman...I am a mod junkie..."


Haha awesome! Me neither. I only finished the main quest in Morrowind ... once. Even my 1000+ hours on FO:NV; never played the main quest beyond the second quest for Mr. House. I wonder if Bethesda has any insight on how many of us are out there, players who don't care much about linear, cliché ridden heroism but rather enjoy the immersive open world sandbox and side quests.

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Wow... I thought maybe I was the only person to have played FONV and never completed the main quest. And never even came close to doing so and I put a lot of hours (at least 1,000) into that game. I actually ended up always restarting a new game especially when adding a number of different mods that changed the whole feel of the game. Also I have all of the DCLs and I have yet to play all of them as well. I ended up going over to Tale of Two Wastelands and getting into that but also have never completely made my way all of the way thru it either though I'll keep going back to it because it's great especially if you like FO3 as well as FONV... I generally play until I start getting bored wherever I am in the games and either start over or move on to another game for awhile. I can see the same thing happening with FO4. I've already restarted the game numerous times mostly because of the game getting screwed up so I'm still far from completing it's main quest. Hell I've only once made it to the institute but then restarted a new game right after getting there...

I will say though that I did complete FO3 main quest and play all of the DCLs a few times... But just not FONV...

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I've netted about 170 hours in 18 days
I had my first "omg I can do something to make this different" bonanza and was up for 30 hours yesterday
and today I was also up for an almost similar time, granted mostly I wasn't up that long each time because of it, but that's what I filled most of my time with
and I'll probably fill more time up with it too, because now that I learned what FO4Edit is... just, omg. I have ideas.
like, damage thresh-holds, but there's a chance for them to fail
so that metal armour might have higher DR, but a lower DT, but it's better because the chance it has to not apply DT to a bullet is like half of raider's
really brings out the feel of raider armour that way, and also game balance wise allows plinker bullets to sometimes get a scratch in, like a pseudo crit
I'll stop there, I have other ideas, but this isn't the place
fallout 4 is the first modern game I've *wanted* to get just because I want it and not just because it's what my computer can handle, in llike 10 years or more
ahh - I AM GOING TO BE WORKING ON IDEAS FOR A BALANCED, ACTUALLY SCALING, SYSTEM, THAT GIVES THE FEEL, OF FALLOUT COMBAT ITEMS, but the combat itself is so different that I won't bother trying for that sort of accuracy (note I'm talking 1-2-tactics) and it's probably for the best because I like the "verticality" and so on, the smoothness
once a proper scaling system for combat is in and reliable enough, then people can make quests that are like, good for any level! (I saw someone say something about how fallout is bad for quests and good for mechanics, including NV/3) so if I can do something to alleviate that and sate my thirst for amazing underlying game mechanics.... yasssssss

Edited by tartarsauce2
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