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Don't like freedom?


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You yourself admit to stereotyping, then.


I don't give my examples from experience to show off knowledge as such, but to illustrate a point rather than theorizing. To me there is nothing more potent than a real life example of something gone badly wrong as an argument for not implementing the failed system elsewhere. The US has it's flaws, but the Founding Fathers gave it that great bulwark against over weeningly ambitious grandstanders like the current President - you have your constitution. I say don't let it go.


They did? Well, they may have, but, in the passage of time, something seems to have gotten lost. The government has the power, the citizens have none. Money is what makes the decisions, not what is right for the country, or even for the majority of citizens. I will admit that I voted for Obama...... as I really didn't want McCain, and a continuation of Bush era policies, but, it seems I got that anyway....... I disagreed completely with the "health care reform" bill, that had nothing to do with health care at all, its all about insurance companies, and REQUIRING me to give them money. I had thought he was going to get us out of two wars, not get us into two more....... His economic policies have failed, and he continues a selection of the failed policies of the previous administration. He focuses more on events OUTSIDE our borders, and pretty much ignores what is going on right here at home. He will not be getting my vote in '12. Not sure just who will......


Not that I expect it to make much of a difference. I voted for the opposite party of what was then currently in power, expecting to see a change. Needless to say, I was rather disappointed. Unfortunately, I really don't expect my vote to make much difference next time around either.

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You yourself admit to stereotyping, then.


I don't give my examples from experience to show off knowledge as such, but to illustrate a point rather than theorizing. To me there is nothing more potent than a real life example of something gone badly wrong as an argument for not implementing the failed system elsewhere. The US has it's flaws, but the Founding Fathers gave it that great bulwark against over weeningly ambitious grandstanders like the current President - you have your constitution. I say don't let it go.


They did? Well, they may have, but, in the passage of time, something seems to have gotten lost. The government has the power, the citizens have none. Money is what makes the decisions, not what is right for the country, or even for the majority of citizens. I will admit that I voted for Obama...... as I really didn't want McCain, and a continuation of Bush era policies, but, it seems I got that anyway....... I disagreed completely with the "health care reform" bill, that had nothing to do with health care at all, its all about insurance companies, and REQUIRING me to give them money. I had thought he was going to get us out of two wars, not get us into two more....... His economic policies have failed, and he continues a selection of the failed policies of the previous administration. He focuses more on events OUTSIDE our borders, and pretty much ignores what is going on right here at home. He will not be getting my vote in '12. Not sure just who will......


Not that I expect it to make much of a difference. I voted for the opposite party of what was then currently in power, expecting to see a change. Needless to say, I was rather disappointed. Unfortunately, I really don't expect my vote to make much difference next time around either.

Speaking of the war and Obama, he is going to announce his withdrawal plan for Afghanistan tonight.


Honestly the country has been doomed since 1913.

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You yourself admit to stereotyping, then.


I don't give my examples from experience to show off knowledge as such, but to illustrate a point rather than theorizing. To me there is nothing more potent than a real life example of something gone badly wrong as an argument for not implementing the failed system elsewhere. The US has it's flaws, but the Founding Fathers gave it that great bulwark against over weeningly ambitious grandstanders like the current President - you have your constitution. I say don't let it go.


They did? Well, they may have, but, in the passage of time, something seems to have gotten lost. The government has the power, the citizens have none. Money is what makes the decisions, not what is right for the country, or even for the majority of citizens. I will admit that I voted for Obama...... as I really didn't want McCain, and a continuation of Bush era policies, but, it seems I got that anyway....... I disagreed completely with the "health care reform" bill, that had nothing to do with health care at all, its all about insurance companies, and REQUIRING me to give them money. I had thought he was going to get us out of two wars, not get us into two more....... His economic policies have failed, and he continues a selection of the failed policies of the previous administration. He focuses more on events OUTSIDE our borders, and pretty much ignores what is going on right here at home. He will not be getting my vote in '12. Not sure just who will......


Not that I expect it to make much of a difference. I voted for the opposite party of what was then currently in power, expecting to see a change. Needless to say, I was rather disappointed. Unfortunately, I really don't expect my vote to make much difference next time around either.


Yes, there is much that has gone wrong in between times but at least you have a Constitution to cite and which can be used to rule executive action out of order. As a lawyer, I never used to think Britain needed a written constitution to safeguard her freedoms...until a series of politicians (including The Blessed Margaret, whatever were you thinking Lady T) signed away our sovereignty to the monstrous monolith of the EU.

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Ginny, this is a post about freedom. I am now going to exercise my freedom as an intelligent human being and excuse myself from this particular ridiculous conversation. I never admitted to stereotyping, and you are smart enough to know that. Nor did I accuse you of showing off. I believe what is happening here is the same thing that occurred between you and another Liberal poster on this Forum who is no longer with us. She, however, was apparently neither gracious enough nor smart enough to simply remove herself before getting caught up in this miasma of nonsensical verbiage having nothing to do with the subject matter of the Original Post.


I am terribly sorry that you have such a problem with me and with my views, but they are what they are and I am who I am. All I originally requested was that you address your comments to the intended recipient. I apologize if this offended you, but that is as far as I will go. I am done with this conversation now.

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I do not really see the point of that, Marharth, HeyYou and I were having a discussion about the constitution, Obama and freedom.

I was replying more specifically to...


"I had thought he was going to get us out of two wars, not get us into two more."


We can't be sure he won't withdraw from the wars just yet after all.


Pretty sure hes going to need to give up on Libya soon as well, it is now entirely illegal to my knowledge.

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Sorry Marharth, my bad, that was my punctuation. I was trying to say that I did not see the point of Granny's interjection when yourself, HeyYou and me had just got the discussion on to constitution, Obama and freedom.


I wasn't saying anything about your post in relation to the wars, which wars could fairly be said to be relevant to the constitution, Obama and freedom.

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I do not really see the point of that, Marharth, HeyYou and I were having a discussion about the constitution, Obama and freedom.

I was replying more specifically to...


"I had thought he was going to get us out of two wars, not get us into two more."


We can't be sure he won't withdraw from the wars just yet after all.


Pretty sure hes going to need to give up on Libya soon as well, it is now entirely illegal to my knowledge.


Don't think that has ever stopped anyone in the past. After all, what are they gonna do? Arrest him? I hardly think so.


There's freedom for ya. Break any law you want, and just legislate it away.

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