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This is slightly off topic, but what's the deal with cutting funding to education, infrastructure, and air traffic controllers? Do the Conservatives not need schools, roads, and safe flgiths?


Then put it in the relevant topic, and try not to be quite so condescending about it.

I would only change one word in your reply Ginny...condescending to snide patronization... but thats par for the course with some on the left.


That's pretty funny really. Can't attack the arguments, so, go after the poster instead. Nice.


Lovely generalization there too. Thanks.

Edited by HeyYou
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Oh yes we conservatives want the roads to crumble, the planes to crash and the the little orphans to grow up illiterate..is that the nonsense that I am supposed to refute? Both the messenger and the message is beyond reproach...give me a break. This is the same old mantra from the left..they care and we don't. A pristine example of ideological arrogance coupled with the false assumption of the moral high ground. There is a current debate on budget cuts and he posted there too but couldn't resist taking a shot in this thread also or are critiques of going off topic only for the right?

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Oh yes we conservatives want the roads to crumble, the planes to crash and the the little orphans to grow up illiterate..is that the nonsense that I am supposed to refute? Both the messenger and the message is beyond reproach...give me a break. This is the same old mantra from the left..they care and we don't. A pristine example of ideological arrogance coupled with the false assumption of the moral high ground. There is a current debate on budget cuts and he posted there too but couldn't resist taking a shot in this thread also or are critiques of going off topic only for the right?


I think some of the trouble we have here is, on the internet, you can't see how far he has his tongue inserted into his cheek. :D


My question for you would be, why is it the republicans want to take things away from the poor/middle class, to finance tax cuts for the rich? Is this going back to the whole trickle-down economics model again? Shall we give them more tax breaks in the vain hope they will create some jobs?????? (here in america...... china doesn't really count.) I note that the repubbies also don't talk about ANY military cuts...... considering military spending is over 25% of the federal budget, seems to me there should be some room for cuts there as well. So the military doesn't get some of their new toys, and some senators pet projects get killed. It comes back to that whole "we can't afford it" thing. (take a look at the history of the V-22 Osprey project. they tried to kill it no less than three times, as the design was obviously not going to meet the originally stated goals, unable to auto-rotate below 1500 feet..... lower cargo capacity than first stated, even with the lesser armament that they were forced to adopt because of the lack of cargo capacity......) This was a project that never should have been completed. But, you will notice that the military now has them.........


Sure, entitlement programs are a favorite target of the right. Well, ya know what? If the right hadn't handed corporate america the keys to the country, and encouraged them to offshore jobs, (via tax breaks, and whathaveyou) the americans you want to cut off would still be employed, and wouldn't NEED those entitlement programs. Neat huh?

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I think that all the entitlement programs should be on the table not just de funding the opposition pet projects..but we should move this back to the Budget cuts thread...so see you there.

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I think that all the entitlement programs should be on the table not just de funding the opposition pet projects..but we should move this back to the Budget cuts thread...so see you there.


Valid point. :D

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