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Don't like freedom?


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Wait, what??? There's a difference between democrats and republicans? Now that I have noticed recently......


Freedom is a concept, it is fairly open to interpretation. It is a known fact that bias creeps into any 'study'..... so, folks tend to find what they think they should. Especially on things of this nature.


Now, if the same study was done, with a different set of criteria for just what "freedom" means.... the results would be quite different.


California has THE most restrictive emissions standards, of pretty much anywhere in the world..... and that's just one example of the 'lack of freedom'......


Please don't base any opinions on this 'study'. It is basically flawed, and its conclusions are meaningless.

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CS, your old election map shows Pa as blue which is wrong since our senators are republican and democrat .The majority of both state houses is republican. We have always been a swing state. Though was amused to see your original freedom map has us among the less free, funny considering our heritage. It is easy however to have less regulations in states that have more livestock than people.
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Sounds like we have a lot of Democrats on this board.


It is the Democrats (mostly) always calling for more taxes, more regulations and more laws. Can't smoke in a private establishment, can't serve fatty foods, it goes on and on and on. I chose the 2000 election map because it was such a close election. The last two maps are not much different.


Of course since I don't think the government should be able to tell a restaurant what kind of cooking oil they can use I must be for legalizing murder.

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I don't claim to be democrat either. I like them almost as little as I like the repubbies.


So, which do you think is better? Tax and spend? Or the repubs borrow and spend? (nevermind that the 'spend' is the bad part, government seems to have forgotten that....)

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CS, your old election map shows Pa as blue which is wrong since our senators are republican and democrat .The majority of both state houses is republican. We have always been a swing state. Though was amused to see your original freedom map has us among the less free, funny considering our heritage. It is easy however to have less regulations in states that have more livestock than people.


I agree that Penn is a swing state, the map was of the Presidential vote. Also many state parties are not very representative of the same party in other states. That was why I chose the presidential election, it is not a local affair and speaks to a more generic measure of where the state stands compared to the rest of the country.

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I don't claim to be democrat either. I like them almost as little as I like the repubbies.


So, which do you think is better? Tax and spend? Or the repubs borrow and spend? (nevermind that the 'spend' is the bad part, government seems to have forgotten that....)


Vote Libertarian, oh but that is throwing your vote away while voting for the two big spending parties somehow is a vote well cast.

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Sounds like we have a lot of Democrats on this board.


It is the Democrats (mostly) always calling for more taxes, more regulations and more laws. Can't smoke in a private establishment, can't serve fatty foods, it goes on and on and on. I chose the 2000 election map because it was such a close election. The last two maps are not much different.


Of course since I don't think the government should be able to tell a restaurant what kind of cooking oil they can use I must be for legalizing murder.

Smoking has extremely bad effects to the people around the smoker. Its completely logical to stop people from smoking in certain areas, it protects the freedom of others.


Fatty foods are fine as long as you the person getting them knows it is fatty food.



Cutting spending alone does not help the debt, it slows it down. You have to have higher taxes at some point to get the money back.


Regulations are sometimes needed as well. Getting rid of all regulations would be possibly the worst thing you can do for the country.


I am not a democrat, both democrats and republicans are both bought out by corporate america.

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Sounds like we have a lot of Democrats on this board.


It is the Democrats (mostly) always calling for more taxes, more regulations and more laws. Can't smoke in a private establishment, can't serve fatty foods, it goes on and on and on. I chose the 2000 election map because it was such a close election. The last two maps are not much different.


Of course since I don't think the government should be able to tell a restaurant what kind of cooking oil they can use I must be for legalizing murder.

Smoking has extremely bad effects to the people around the smoker. Its completely logical to stop people from smoking in certain areas, it protects the freedom of others.


Fatty foods are fine as long as you the person getting them knows it is fatty food.



Cutting spending alone does not help the debt, it slows it down. You have to have higher taxes at some point to get the money back.


Regulations are sometimes needed as well. Getting rid of all regulations would be possibly the worst thing you can do for the country.


I am not a democrat, both democrats and republicans are both bought out by corporate america.


This. Effectively, there is NO difference between them, and that is why. Unless/Until THAT changes, we are going to continue to go down the toilet.

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Smoking has extremely bad effects to the people around the smoker. Its completely logical to stop people from smoking in certain areas, it protects the freedom of others.


Fatty foods are fine as long as you the person getting them knows it is fatty food.


Why should the government have a say, you can chose not to eat at that establishment. It should be up to the owner of the property.

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Smoking has extremely bad effects to the people around the smoker. Its completely logical to stop people from smoking in certain areas, it protects the freedom of others.


Fatty foods are fine as long as you the person getting them knows it is fatty food.


Why should the government have a say, you can chose not to eat at that establishment. It should be up to the owner of the property.

People don't know whats in the food unless the restaurant tells them.

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