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Don't like freedom?


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@ RZ1029, this is not a form of exotic dancing. When English firemen got a shout, if they happened to be in an upstairs squad room, in order to save precious seconds, rather than use stairs they would slide down a pole. No-one had any problem with it, if anything it was a macho pride thing. However, the EU decided that it was more important to prevent injury to the trousers than to save vital seconds for a person at threat of being burnt alive.


Yeah, I actually knew that. It was more the 'why the crap would you pass a law about this' than a 'are these guys stripping' question. And also, @marharth: I've fallen down stairs way more than I've let go of a rope I was climbing/sliding down. Just saying...

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Do try and appreciate that some of us have a sense of humour, SilverDNA. Funny how you turn up to troll every post some of us make.



Please enlighten me on how Silvers post was trolling.


Anyone's post can be trolling if you dislike their opinion enough. :facepalm: But that's a little off-topic.

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Some of the laws in place to restrict freedom are actually needed. Minimum wage laws restrict the freedom of any company--from Joe's Coffee Shop to Fortune 500 corporations--to pay wages that aren't liveable compared to the cost of living. Child labor laws restrict the freedom of said companies to hire little kids--heck, kids under 14, and make them do hazardous or disgusting tasks. The EPA laws are in place to protect the world around us because again, Corporate America would gleeflly go potty in their own living space (metaphorically speaking) to make an extra buck. The ADA and various other groups have helped get laws into place that restrict the ability to discriminate. certain laws exist to prevent banks from being free to charge 500 percent interest or 1000 dollar overdraft fees. I'm sure they would if they could.


The unfortunate fact is, human beings will gleefully abuse each other and the world around them to benefit themselves. Not all humans, of course. There's a lot of good people out there, and here, on this forum. These laws exist to ensure that people in general aren't going to get effed over by their less compassionate fellows.


Are you talking about things like this too?


Having said this, I do agree that there's a lot of silliness out there. If people want to be eat what's bad for them, smoke cigarettes, and whatever else the government is suddenly deciding to step in and put a stop to, then so be it.


This is slightly off topic, but what's the deal with cutting funding to education, infrastructure, and air traffic controllers? Do the Conservatives not need schools, roads, and safe flgiths?

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This is slightly off topic, but what's the deal with cutting funding to education, infrastructure, and air traffic controllers? Do the Conservatives not need schools, roads, and safe flgiths?


Then put it in the relevant topic, and try not to be quite so condescending about it.

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This is slightly off topic, but what's the deal with cutting funding to education, infrastructure, and air traffic controllers? Do the Conservatives not need schools, roads, and safe flgiths?


Then put it in the relevant topic, and try not to be quite so condescending about it.


It wasn't my intention to be that way, so I apologize.


I wasn't aware there was already a topic relevant to this. I didn't see one, though I'll have another look.


On the other hand, calling me condescending tells me I hit a nerve somewhere.

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This is slightly off topic, but what's the deal with cutting funding to education, infrastructure, and air traffic controllers? Do the Conservatives not need schools, roads, and safe flgiths?


Then put it in the relevant topic, and try not to be quite so condescending about it.

I would only change one word in your reply Ginny...condescending to snide patronization... but thats par for the course with some on the left.

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