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"Most people are too busy or too stupid to do that kind of research."


Please don't make this easy..(fights urge to make usual sardonic comment)...I can only resist for so long.

I get it, you rarely think I am ever correct and I don't look into things.


Can you make comments that are relevant to the posts now?




Would you rather have humanity have the freedom of complete choice and end up becoming extinct, or limiting freedom until humanity reaches the point they can make intelligent decisions?

Edited by marharth
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@ Vagrant


Thanks for the video. Penn and Teller are avid Libertarians by the way. Why should my freedom be restricted due to the ignorance of others, otherwise known as the lowest common denominator.


Would you rather have humanity have the freedom of complete choice and end up becoming extinct, or limiting freedom until humanity reaches the point they can make intelligent decisions?


If we are really that stupid we deserve what we get.

Edited by csgators
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Is McDonalds food healthy?

When in doubt? Google: Supersize Me.


Seriously though, go watch that. Dude, anyone who is convinced that McDonalds or ANY fast food restaurant (or most restaurants for that matter) serve healthy food is extremely naive or lying to themselves.


In America, one of our 'freedoms' is the right to be stupid within a reasonable limit. The government is to prevent chaos, not poor health decisions.

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"In America, one of our 'freedoms' is the right to be stupid within a reasonable limit."


The operative word is reasonable, though within the limited bounds of this forum even that is debatable as to what it really is.

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@ Vagrant


Thanks for the video. Penn and Teller are avid Libertarians by the way. Why should my freedom be restricted due to the ignorance of others, otherwise known as the lowest common denominator.


Would you rather have humanity have the freedom of complete choice and end up becoming extinct, or limiting freedom until humanity reaches the point they can make intelligent decisions?


If we are really that stupid we deserve what we get.

It is possible we can change though. Keeping it the way it is now won't change much, it will only make it worse.

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@ Vagrant


Thanks for the video. Penn and Teller are avid Libertarians by the way. Why should my freedom be restricted due to the ignorance of others, otherwise known as the lowest common denominator.

Because the lowest common denominator is most likely the one to drink too much, get behind the wheel of their car and plow into your living room? And EVERYONE does stupid things every now and then. EVERYONE.


And yes, I know they're Libertarians, I also agree with most of what they've said. But even they acknowledge that sometimes the man is right and that sometimes you have to laws that protect everyone from the idiots of the world.


Is McDonalds food healthy?

When in doubt? Google: Supersize Me.

Case in point... Anyone with a brain could tell you it wasn't healthy before any sort of half-assed documentary. Anyone with a brain could also tell you that a diet consisting of the same exact thing, even if generally healthy (subway for example), can STILL lead to bad health if not combined with a balanced lifestyle (excercise, eating other stuff). But nobody makes a documentary about that because it isn't such an easy target and isn't something that can be sensationalized.


The reason why the government has been involved with health decisions lately is because many of them have been related to either Your health decisions which harm others, or decisions which lead to unhealthy lifestyles that either limit your ability to work (and pay taxes) or which requires the government to pay for health care. Obesity is not a personal issue, it's a global issue, and the same people who want to pass the buck are the same ones who don't want to accept what is decided.

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Because the lowest common denominator is most likely the one to drink too much, get behind the wheel of their car and plow into your living room? And EVERYONE does stupid things every now and then. EVERYONE.


Drunk driving is illegal (rightly so) and people still do it. We cannot protect everyone from themselves, an effort should be made to protect others but not from oneself. Natural selection has already been factored out our gene pool enough as it is. Besides, who is to say that a person who eats what they want, smokes and drinks who then dies at age 55 rather than 70 didn't have a good life or lead the life they wanted. I bet their cost to society is far less than the tea teetotaler that lives to 100. The person drinking ans smoking is paying huge amount into the system to buy those things and never even lived long enough to collect SS and medicare.

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Drunk driving is illegal (rightly so) and people still do it.

Why rightly so? What about those of us who don't lose our reaction times, equilibrium, or judgment after a few drinks and can be responsible enough to know when we've had enough? The law exists because of the lowest common denominator who could not hold their alcohol and who did not have enough sense to either just not get drunk when they're about to go somewhere, or to stop drinking long enough before they leave. As some auto makers are looking into systems which prevent a car from even turning on if it senses alcohol on your breath (as a standard feature mind you), clearly Natural Selection is not doing enough.

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Drunk driving is illegal (rightly so) and people still do it.

Why rightly so? What about those of us who don't lose our reaction times, equilibrium, or judgment after a few drinks and can be responsible enough to know when we've had enough? The law exists because of the lowest common denominator who could not hold their alcohol and who did not have enough sense to either just not get drunk when they're about to go somewhere, or to stop drinking long enough before they leave. As some auto makers are looking into systems which prevent a car from even turning on if it senses alcohol on your breath (as a standard feature mind you), clearly Natural Selection is not doing enough.


In some respects I agree with your post, but driving a large heavy car carries with it certain responsibility and I can live with that. I do think they have gone a little too far though, I am worried to have a single drink with dinner before driving due to the levels that will now get you in trouble.

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In some respects I agree with your post, but driving a large heavy car carries with it certain responsibility and I can live with that. I do think they have gone a little too far though, I am worried to have a single drink with dinner before driving due to the levels that will now get you in trouble.

Even in other terms, most auto laws exist simply because people are just friggin stupid when they get behind the wheel. Anyone who suggests that idiots aren't all over the place clearly hasn't been behind the wheel very long, or has their blinders on.


Take for instance laws making it illegal for anyone to cross railroad tracks after the signals start. The law exists because people get it in their head that they can beat the train, ignoring the part that often trains do not run at the same rate, or that there are some express trains which don't slow down before they approach a station. Now while it might be all well and fine if you wanted to stake your life on your ability to judge speed and distance of something you may not even be able to see, but the problem is this... When a train hits a car, it isn't just the car that gets f'ed up, the train usually always has structural damage, and often gets derailed. Meaning that a single act of stupidity doesn't affect just the person in the car, or even the train company, but also everyone on the train, and everyone who would hope to use the roads near that crossing for several hours after the collision. Although the law doesn't stop it, it does discourage it, so the behavior happens less often. The law doesn't affect those with much sense, but without it, even normally smart people might try and beat the train just because they're running late.

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