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Pokemon Fusion!


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http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/2/2.43.pnghttp://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/62/62.57.pngIt's naked!http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/57/57.62.pngIt's hairy!http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/88/88.83.pngReminds me of donald duck with a dirty beard





Also, maybe this would fit better in the forum games section?

And is there any way to rezise these? They're kinda big

Also, @OP, if you put a http:// in the front of that link, it turns into a real link so ppl don't have to copypaste ;)


E: Ok, decided to put in spoilers so it won't take up the whole screen (even if it doesn't ;D )


A tip to anyone looking for the funny combinations, if something looks weird, swapping the pokemons will still have it looking weird :P so do it

Edited by Nysba
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http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/40/40.96.png http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/25/25.87.png http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/79/79.9.png http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/44/44.3.png http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/33/33.15.png http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/61/61.1.png http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/31/31.73.png http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/72/72.82.png http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/9/9.42.png




You can't deny these would be pretty fun to have in the game :P

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http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/28/28.10.pngSandpie ;Dhttp://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/6/6.15.png I want to have this in a game



Edited by Nysba
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Okay. I had to add this one. It just looks too ridiculous. :laugh:




http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/57/57.90.png http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/7/7.3.png




Edit: I just added another one too.

Edited by IndorilTheGreat
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