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Training Day


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-”Dad, I don’t want to be overseer. I want to be a librarian” Amata muttered in her sleep.

It has been about a week since Amata joined me in my travels, and I got to admit that she is a quick learner. I have been teaching her about the ways of the wasteland ever since she first joined me there at Arlington, during dad’s funeral. But I can’t exactly blame her for falling asleep after we continued on from Rivet City. He he, she fell asleep after a few minutes of walking. We have been active for the last 2 days before she fell asleep. So I picked her up and started to carry her on my back, I can’t just leave her there on the ground you know? I’ve decided to take her back to megaton and let her take my bed; I have no problem with crashing on the couch.

And recently I got news of my brothers decision to move up to Alaska, don’t know why. Maybe he just couldn’t stay here after dad’s death, and if that is the case I understand him. It has been some nightmare filled nights after he died, I just can’t help but feel responsible for his death even though it was the Enclaves fault. For some reason I can see raiders and enclave soldiers, well anyone who attacks me really, die slowly in front of me without getting nightmares. But dad’s death haunts me every night since his death. I guess my sleep problems are caused by that.


Suddenly I realized that my I had completely sunken into my thoughts, because I was standing in the middle of Springvale and my thinking started over at Rivet City, so I turned around and went towards Megaton, and as usual I was greeted by Deputy Weld with his classic “Welcome to Megaton” line.

I waved and went straight to my home. –“who is this young lady, sir?” Asked Wadsworth when he saw what I was carrying on my back.

-“This is my friend and new companion Amata, and before you ask she is just asleep.”

-“Ah I see sir, would you like me to prepare the couch for her?”

-“No, I’ll take the couch; I’ll put her in my bed.” After this quick word exchange I went upstairs, put Amata on my bed then went downstairs and lay down on the couch.




The next morning I was awakened by something pushing my arm, at first I thought it was Dogmeat wanting to play so I said, rather sleepily –“not now Dogmeat, I want to sleep.”

-“Mike wake up” it was Amata who where pushing my arm, not Dogmeat.

-“Huh? What time is it? Are ze Germans attacking? Oh hi Amata. What’s up?”

-“Could you show me how to use a weapon? I want to learn all I can you know?” she asked while looking at me.

-“Sure, let me just eat and get dressed.”

A little while later, we where down at the clinic to get some stimpaks when I saw this girl getting stitched up. I couldn’t resist so I walked up to her and the doc and looked at the wound.

-“Looks like a deathclaw attack to me, judging by the way the wound looks. But the wound doesn’t look that very deep so I shouldn’t be too worried about it. Though it will leave a nasty scar.”

-“Yeah kind of expected that. But hey I get something to brag about.” The girl responded with a little laugh

Doc Church looked at me with a look of annoyance on his face and muttered:

-“If you want help you have to wait instead of bothering me. I am pretty busy with this patient here.”

-“aaah let him stay old man, its nice to have someone that doesn’t complain to talk to”

I tell you, I will never forget Church’s face when he heard that. He looked like he was going to rip us to shreds.

A while later we where outside, formally introducing our self

-“Nice meeting an adventures lady such as oneself for once, what’s your name stranger?” I asked the girl

-“Orchid Raine, and you?”

-“I’m Michael Ryan, but everyone calls me Mike. And this lady here is Amata”

Orchid took a good look at Amata then said:

-“you look like you’re from a vault or something. You’re not as grimy as the others here; in fact I’d actually want to say the same about you Mike”

-“You’re right, Amata joined me last week I think it was, and I have been out of the vault for a good number of years”

Then I got an idea that I just had to ask Orchid about

-“I don’t suppose you could help me train Amata in the use of weapons? She could really use it.”

-“sure, why not. I’m not going anywhere for a while.”


So we headed off to a little area I have setup as use for weapons training and started the training.

-“Ok Amata, first thing you got to remember is the way you hold the rifle. You can’t hold it like you are half asleep. Hold it steady in your grip like this”

Orchid was very thorough with her instructions, like she had been doing this before. Orchid and I taught Amata everything we knew. And Amata was a good learner too, so it all went better than expected. After this lesson we went our separate ways, and to this date I haven’t seen her again.




But a few weeks after that meeting I received a letter from her, telling me about her backstory. Apparently she changed her name to Orchid in an attempt to try and forget her past and she is now on her way to New Vegas to start a new life as a courier.

Hope it turns out well for her.

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Good, Mike :thumbsup:


Just one bit of advise; try to make it clear when and how you jump from location to location, person to person, situation to situation. Sometimes I got a bit lost at just where the story was at. Please don't take such advise to heart as I myself was given such a advise, and more, a few years back.

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