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You make a post at 2-4 in the morning here in the states and youre mad when it isn't answered in a few hours? Not the best way to get a mod made...


I do like the AR mod. Gives a lot of variety.

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Jeez, why are you being so hostile? :dry: Just take the weapon from there and put it in another mod if you don't want the rest. Then you get your weapon and you can even customize the textures to suit your tastes.

Edited by Jokerine
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So you only wait a few hours and then get bitchy because no one answered, and then when someone points you to an actual solution but it isn't exactly what you want, you get bitchy again?


Here is some advice. Nobody here works for you. You are not in a position to demand anything. Don't treat people so poorly. You are asking people to do you a favor. Treat them with an appropriate level of respect. They are taking their time to do something for you, which they are not required in any way to do. And thank them for their effort when they are done. It's the right thing to do.


Having an attitude like yours is a great way to make people not want to do anything at all for you.


You are very lucky that devinpatterson kindly offered to strip the weapon out of the mod for you. Based on your behavior in this thread, I would not have been so kind. On the other hand, if you had been respectful, I would have gladly done it for you.

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Yes I asked for several things.Got nothing.Zero.

I got a little angry.Sorry.


1:About that pack I wish some modder will get to work on it.

And finish it.


2:Thank you David.I would be very grateful to you.

For your time and effort.

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