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windows 7 back to windows xp

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so i upgrade my moms PC from XP to W7. about a month ago and since then she hasnt stopped bitching about it. everything is different. my PC is slower blah blah blah. shes only on a 6 month trial (didnt use the product key yet) so its not biggie to me if she doesnt want it, but i wanna make sure, is it possible to go from W7 back to XP, like an upgrade (or downgrade i guess) where all her files are saved and whatnot.? a reverse process of what i did b4? i have the XP disk (professional IIRC) so ya.


thanks for your help :)

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so its not as simple as popping in the xp CD and reinstalling XP darn...(well i actually figured id have to install Vista then XP cause thats what i had to do when upgrading) but ya. hmm...maybe ill pop in the cd anyways and see what happens
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Is windows on a seperate hdd? If not, then you'll need to backup the important things.

If it is, just pop the disk in and install. It will format the drive its on before installing, so backup anything on the os drive. Like things on the desktop, or program files if you are a 'next, next, next, done' type of person when installing things.

Also, you wont need to go back to vista first. Its the same as going up.

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Sure just wipe it and install XP.


Wait, 6 month trial? I didn't know about that option. Hmm, I wouldn't mind trialing 7 for a while again, now that I know of more software to use to fix the things I don't like about it.

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well its no so much a trial, i simply didnt enter the product key. you still need the disk or whatever


and from what ive read it should be as simple as popping in the XP disk and installing it. (though im still not sure if i have to take a step down to vista first, not a problem if i do since i have it)

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i needed to go to vista when i was going up though.


it shouldnt format everything should it? if im just "upgrading" the OS. no its not on a separate HDD.


is it possible to install XP on a new partition, then transfer everything from W7 to the XP partition then delete W7


or if i back everything up on an external HDD, install XP new (like a format install) and then put everything from the XHDD back into the PC does that put like desktop stuff back on the desktop like it was before or would i have to go and find that stuff again in the documents and what not?

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I'd take the opportunity to give mom a clean slate to start from, and just backup her documents etc. I wouldn't trust the File and Settings Transfer Wizard to work going from Vista/7 to XP. If all her stuff is in her user folder I'd just dump it to another drive and sort it out later.


So 7 will let you use it for a whole six months without a key? That's pretty damn generous. That's more generous than your average shareware even. You sure it's six months? Damn I could just borrow my friend's disc and buy a key online if I decided it was worth it. I would like to try 7 with either SharpE or bbLean running, I might even learn to like it then.

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You dont need to go XP -> Vista -> 7.

All you have to do is dump a disk in and its good.


The desktop will not be the same. You need to find the stuff again (best way is to create a 'Desktop' folder, copy all the stuff in, and then sort it out on the new OS)


It will format everything.


back everything up on an external HDD, install XP new (like a format install) and then put everything from the XHDD back into the PC....

^Most ideal option

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