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a little pond


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I know ill be laughed at for this

I know the odds of anyone knowing this place is phenomenally slim


I stopped playing Oblivion for a long while. and now that I'm into it again I want to re-find a little lake I use to enjoy floating in for hours on end.

Its a small pond like lake, resembling a skinny dipping pond.

It has a large cliff on one side, and a waterfall on the other. the waterfall has a small wooden bridge over it(i think) that stops you walking straight off the edge.

the area is surrounded by trees and there is a small cave somewhere out to the left as you look off the waterfall.

I keep thinking this place is somewhere up north but I'm not sure


I know this is probably a complete longshot. but can anyone help me find this place?

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Try the northern road between Bruma and Chorrol (don't have access to the game right now ... maybe the Orange Road). After coming south from Bruma take the first road branching off to the right (west) and you'll find a pond matching your description about 2/3 the way to Chorrol on the north side of the road.


Edit: A bit of Wiki research yields this ... just east of Shadow's Rest Cavern.

Edited by Striker879
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Thank you for the reply. The one youve shown me does almost match my description however sadly it is not the one. specifically the pond i want is very circular and i remember an amazing view. Thank you tremendously however for finding this one Edited by AtlasS
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How about the one at Hero Hill...um...near Cheydinhal, somewhere in the Wilderness, its even put into the grand map as a (small) body of water. It certainly fits the description. I'll edit this, once I check on it and give you the exact location.


Edit: It is a short distance south-east of Cheydenhal. And wow, your spot looks very nice.

Edited by erloriel
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I would like to thank you BOTH for your helpful nature. but im a dunce

I searched UESP for caves with imps(as it came to me the cave i wanted was an imp cave

and i had the niggiling feeling about Horn cave so i looked that up too.

I found that there was a small pond beside Charcoal cave(an Imp cave) which was near Horn cave


When walking from Horn to Charcoal i could almost have painted the road by memory, i knew this was the right place


I understand it is NOT in the north, quite definately, and i dont know how i came to that conclusion. but here are a few images if you wanna check it out





that cave door in the second image is charcoal cave

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I know the spot very well. The boulder on the west side of the pond is my favourite perch while I'm toasting the Charcoal Cave guardian Spriggans or Ogres.
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