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Oblivion is now crashing during combat


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The thing is, although three people may have a severe cough, each one could be for a very different reason. Guess what I'm saying is, instead of posting in this thread, start your own, and include:


1) Your operating system, video card, and memory.

2) All your mods, listed in loading order.

3) How long this has been happening, and what may have been done beforehand to cause it.


Makes it a lot easier for everybody to help out, in that case.

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easy to imagine that if mention the game crash ONLY by hitting enemys that wear armor (humans etc) and not by animals, monsters or anywhere else...obvios not related to the operating sytem, video card or hardware :(


this must be maybe a mod conflict or version issue as it often the reason and i do hope someone may have the same problem and know a solution :(


i have found out many other conflicts and solution my self but this one is real different :rolleyes: im helpless^^

i tryed everything mostly to enable/disable the only thing that is left to test (i really not like to turn off) is deadly reflex 6 :(


certainly it is known this mod cause a lot bug and crashes...but it have been finest all the time and now suddenly im unable to hit every armored type like humans only :(


it suddenly have been like this and i do wish someone may know why :(


plz forgive me my bad english ^^ i do try my best :wallbash:

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GrazingFlava you really are much better off starting your own thread describing your problem. If you are suspecting a mod conflict we'll need your mod load list as well. Here's a link to How to post a load order for Oblivion in case you're unsure of how to do that.


Another suggestion if you're suspecting a DR6 related cause is to post a question in the Deadly Reflex thread. The other thing I can suggest is think back to when you first noticed this, and then think of what changes you made to your machine just before that (adding mods, updating DirectX, hardware changes etc.).

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  • 4 years later...

Hate to burst your bubble Kimalis, but back in 2011 Oblivion reloaded was only a dream in Alenet's brain ... it wasn't published until near the end of 2014.

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Good point Striker879. But before 2011 there was Oblivion graphic extender that was replaced by Oblivion reloaded. It is possible that Oblivion reloaded inherited the problems that Oblivion graphic extender created. Anyway, Oblivion reloaded was the mod that caused the crashes during the combat for me and the problem went away when i uninstalled it.

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I'd say you would need to disable the part of OR that is giving you the crash. Oblivion Reloaded is a very complex mod, and requires you to study and understand it's documentation.

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  • 1 year later...

I believe the problem to be the corruption of meshes when oblivion crashes. I have found on several sites (including UESP) that when you crash at any point, it corrupts the meshes. It suggests that you take a copy of the vanilla meshes and place them somewhere on your computer and when you crash you should replace the meshes with your back up. I am not sure if you should back up any mod meshes but it probably would not hurt to be safe. Tell me if that works for you. It does not sound like a codec issue, armors are meshes.

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