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How should spending cuts be done?


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Once more, with feeling guys, to all you Left wingers out there in the USA who think that high taxes on corporations is the answer to all ills, I refer you to the situation in the UK in the Seventies, and every time since that we have had Labour Governments. Tried it. Didn't work. We are once more faced with the prospect of a Conservative Government getting it in the neck for making savage spending cuts in order to counteract previous Socialist profligacy. Which Socialist idiocy, incidentally, included large tax raids, most notoriously on private pension funds, and thus Gordon Brown became The Man Who Stole Your Old Age. This was very rich considering that he bloated the public sector, and now the public sector workers are moaning because their ring fenced pensions are now part of the spending cuts equation.


I am well aware of some of the dirty dealings done by big business. However, whacking up the taxes only encourages them to domicile elsewhere and spend their time dreaming up loopholes. At the end of the day you NEED wealth creators and entrepreneurs to kick start the economy, like them or not.


But then the Left never seem to see the correlation between companies doing well and keeping their jobs until they get their redundancy notices...


Not just in the 70s, between 1997 and 2010 the private sector stagnated while the public sector grew at an alarming rate. The country was up to its eyeballs in debt before the banking crisis started.

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Once more, with feeling guys, to all you Left wingers out there in the USA who think that high taxes on corporations is the answer to all ills, I refer you to the situation in the UK in the Seventies, and every time since that we have had Labour Governments. Tried it. Didn't work. We are once more faced with the prospect of a Conservative Government getting it in the neck for making savage spending cuts in order to counteract previous Socialist profligacy. Which Socialist idiocy, incidentally, included large tax raids, most notoriously on private pension funds, and thus Gordon Brown became The Man Who Stole Your Old Age. This was very rich considering that he bloated the public sector, and now the public sector workers are moaning because their ring fenced pensions are now part of the spending cuts equation.


I am well aware of some of the dirty dealings done by big business. However, whacking up the taxes only encourages them to domicile elsewhere and spend their time dreaming up loopholes. At the end of the day you NEED wealth creators and entrepreneurs to kick start the economy, like them or not.


But then the Left never seem to see the correlation between companies doing well and keeping their jobs until they get their redundancy notices...

Companies are not moral beings, they do everything they do to try to make profit.


Currently, giving big business tax cuts doesn't create jobs. Giving massive tax cuts out and still not getting any job creation. Why would raising taxes much much of a difference? They clearly don't think the profit motive is enough either way, raising taxes won't change much for them.


Big businesses are not wealth creators or entrepreneurs. Why do you think that?


Businesses prefer to have jobs in other countries, their are too many things in the USA that protect workers for companies to like.


The public sector in the USA is currently growing, and doing much better then the private sector. That is not due to left wing policy, and it is not due to socialism.

Edited by marharth
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Once more, with feeling guys, to all you Left wingers out there in the USA who think that high taxes on corporations is the answer to all ills, I refer you to the situation in the UK in the Seventies, and every time since that we have had Labour Governments. Tried it. Didn't work. We are once more faced with the prospect of a Conservative Government getting it in the neck for making savage spending cuts in order to counteract previous Socialist profligacy. Which Socialist idiocy, incidentally, included large tax raids, most notoriously on private pension funds, and thus Gordon Brown became The Man Who Stole Your Old Age. This was very rich considering that he bloated the public sector, and now the public sector workers are moaning because their ring fenced pensions are now part of the spending cuts equation.


I am well aware of some of the dirty dealings done by big business. However, whacking up the taxes only encourages them to domicile elsewhere and spend their time dreaming up loopholes. At the end of the day you NEED wealth creators and entrepreneurs to kick start the economy, like them or not.


But then the Left never seem to see the correlation between companies doing well and keeping their jobs until they get their redundancy notices...

Companies are not moral beings, they do everything they do to try to make profit.


Currently, giving big business tax cuts doesn't create jobs. Giving massive tax cuts out and still not getting any job creation. Why would raising taxes much much of a difference? They clearly don't think the profit motive is enough either way, raising taxes won't change much for them.


Big businesses are not wealth creators or entrepreneurs. Why do you think that?


Businesses prefer to have jobs in other countries, their are too many things in the USA that protect workers for companies to like.


The public sector in the USA is currently growing, and doing much better then the private sector. That is not due to left wing policy, and it is not due to socialism.



You just aren't listening. The public sector is only doing well because it is being sustained by taxes and propped up. You just don't listen, let alone understand. I said myself that companies are capable of dirty dealing, I'm a lawyer remember? The public sector is specifically not for profit.


Businesses, big or small, ARE the wealth creators and entrepreneurs, and when they go belly up, so do jobs. Nationalisation only ever kept things going because of taxpayer money thrown at the businesses concerned. A strong private sector is in everyone's interests, win-win.

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Let's keep this on topic please - The topic is spending cuts and where to start, NOT the evils of big business vs the evils of big government. :rolleyes:


Bben46, Moderator

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Once more, with feeling guys, to all you Left wingers out there in the USA who think that high taxes on corporations is the answer to all ills, I refer you to the situation in the UK in the Seventies, and every time since that we have had Labour Governments. Tried it. Didn't work. We are once more faced with the prospect of a Conservative Government getting it in the neck for making savage spending cuts in order to counteract previous Socialist profligacy. Which Socialist idiocy, incidentally, included large tax raids, most notoriously on private pension funds, and thus Gordon Brown became The Man Who Stole Your Old Age. This was very rich considering that he bloated the public sector, and now the public sector workers are moaning because their ring fenced pensions are now part of the spending cuts equation.


I am well aware of some of the dirty dealings done by big business. However, whacking up the taxes only encourages them to domicile elsewhere and spend their time dreaming up loopholes. At the end of the day you NEED wealth creators and entrepreneurs to kick start the economy, like them or not.


But then the Left never seem to see the correlation between companies doing well and keeping their jobs until they get their redundancy notices...

Companies are not moral beings, they do everything they do to try to make profit.


Currently, giving big business tax cuts doesn't create jobs. Giving massive tax cuts out and still not getting any job creation. Why would raising taxes much much of a difference? They clearly don't think the profit motive is enough either way, raising taxes won't change much for them.


Big businesses are not wealth creators or entrepreneurs. Why do you think that?


Businesses prefer to have jobs in other countries, their are too many things in the USA that protect workers for companies to like.


The public sector in the USA is currently growing, and doing much better then the private sector. That is not due to left wing policy, and it is not due to socialism.



You just aren't listening. The public sector is only doing well because it is being sustained by taxes and propped up. You just don't listen, let alone understand. I said myself that companies are capable of dirty dealing, I'm a lawyer remember? The public sector is specifically not for profit.


Businesses, big or small, ARE the wealth creators and entrepreneurs, and when they go belly up, so do jobs. Nationalisation only ever kept things going because of taxpayer money thrown at the businesses concerned. A strong private sector is in everyone's interests, win-win.

You said that left wing policy in the 70s caused the pubic sector to become too strong. I was referring to that.


I was talking about large corporations, not small businesses. There is massive difference in taxes.


And quite honestly, this topic is about spending cuts, tax code and such is for another topic.

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I was just trying to say why tax and spend is not the answer, and spending cuts, unfortunately, are.

While I agree spending cuts are good, I also think that you sometimes need to raise taxes.


I would like to know what programs are in the UK that you would like to cut though.

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Well first of all transparency. People really gotta know what is goin on. Only then can one work succesfully together on sustainable solutions. Solutions that are true. People gotta have a more direct impact on all these decisions and work together. That and make more use of the local economy instead of hording the money in just a few places.

This is not good without any oversight by the public. What gets away at the banks has prooven to be a monstrosity and yet they get payed more?

This gotta stop. Just all the spending and all of the wars, as those cost a lot.

Edited by Nadimos
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I was just trying to say why tax and spend is not the answer, and spending cuts, unfortunately, are.

While I agree spending cuts are good, I also think that you sometimes need to raise taxes.


I would like to know what programs are in the UK that you would like to cut though.


There would need to be a thorough audit of spending and practices in all departments. I happen to disagree with the Prime Minister and think that our overseas aid budget should be axed altogether, we should give when there is a need rather than as a matter of routine.


The National Health Service is a sacred cow, but the procurement officials have lost all sense of proportion. For example, they let equipment companies charge hundreds of pounds for screws used in hip replacements, when the surgeons will tell you that you could buy one from the DIY and sterilize it for a fraction of the cost. The whistle needs to be well and truly blown on these practices.

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Well first of all transparency. People really gotta know what is goin on. Only then can one work succesfully together on sustainable solutions. People gotta have a more direct impact on all these decisions. That and make more use of the local economy instead of hording the money in just a few places.

This is not good without any oversight by the public. There gotta be oversight not for the little guy, who cares, but what gets away at the banks has prooven to be a monstrosity

and yet they get payed more.

Now whose got a control over that?

For sure not the people in this country, but just a select view and that is also reflected in the statistic of where all the money is horded. Cant just be all ego and get the money out of the country, sooner or later it will go down the drain. But what am i saying, to some of those poeple, who still think borders mean something for that establishment.


We ARE going down the drain. And it is government in general, not any specific party, that is leading the way. Neither parties policies have done the country any favors. Neither party has a clear direction on how to fix what is wrong with america. Dealing with government spending, and the deficit is only one small facet of the problem. Instead of raising taxes, how about implementing policies that put americans back to work, so the government can actually start collecting some taxes, instead of spending it on unemployment insurance, and welfare?? How about using the money that we currently just give away to other countries, with no perceptible benefit..... to fix some of the problems right here at home? How about we stop playing "world police force", and spending trillions on wars we can't win, and stop borrowing money from china?

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