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How should spending cuts be done?


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I was just trying to say why tax and spend is not the answer, and spending cuts, unfortunately, are.

While I agree spending cuts are good, I also think that you sometimes need to raise taxes.


I would like to know what programs are in the UK that you would like to cut though.


Cuts in the UK?


Welfare, too many people capable of work have chosen to make welfare a career option. Those who genuinely can't work should get help but those who can and won't should go without. Immigrants should get nothing until they've paid in a set amount.


Healthcare (NHS) The National Health Service has wasting money down to a fine art, there is huge scope for cuts that shouldn't impact front line services. Under the last government for every nurse they hired they hired two managers.


Leave the E.U, not only do we pay in a ridiculous amount of money but also membership burdens our businesses with a raft of unnecessary directives and other red tape. We don't have to be in the E.U to trade with it, something Europhiles can't seem to get through their heads.


The myriad of ridiculous non jobs in local government, under the last government there was a massive increase in this nonsense from Diversity Officers, Roller Disco Coaches and Toothbrush Advisors to "5 a Day" Officers. A list should be made of all the public sector jobs advertised in The Guardian and then everyone in the country with similar job titles should be sacked, a quick and painless way to get rid of the garbage.


Foreign Aid, charity begins at home.


Higher education, Universities should be for the brightest, not somewhere to dump the unemployable. If people want to study David Beckham or Interpretive Dance that's fine but the state should not be funding it.

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Hear hear, jim_uk, as someone who works at trying to get the long term unemployed back to work, I can tell you that the new Work Programme is heading that way. We will be able to stop their dole for three years if they refuse jobs.
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Hear hear, jim_uk, as someone who works at trying to get the long term unemployed back to work, I can tell you that the new Work Programme is heading that way. We will be able to stop their dole for three years if they refuse jobs.


Making work pay is one of Iain Duncan Smiths better ideas, there'll be no excuse whatsoever for sitting around on their arses.

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Higher education, Universities should be for the brightest, not somewhere to dump the unemployable. If people want to study David Beckham or Interpretive Dance that's fine but the state should not be funding it.

Not going to say anything on your other points because I kinda agree with them and understand where you are coming from.


The private schooling system does not work though, I don't know if funding it with tax money is a good idea or not, but having it funded and run like a business doesn't help much either.


I wouldn't have a issue with private universities if they let people in based on intelligence, and not based on payments.

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Higher education, Universities should be for the brightest, not somewhere to dump the unemployable. If people want to study David Beckham or Interpretive Dance that's fine but the state should not be funding it.

Not going to say anything on your other points because I kinda agree with them and understand where you are coming from.


The private schooling system does not work though, I don't know if funding it with tax money is a good idea or not, but having it funded and run like a business doesn't help much either.


I wouldn't have a issue with private universities if they let people in based on intelligence, and not based on payments.


Private universities can do what they like, if they get no funding from the state then what and who they teach is their business. What I object to is taxpayers money being spent on silly courses that are of no use to anyone, the David Beckham Studies and Interpretive Dance were not made up, they do exist. The last government decided that half of all school leavers should go the university, not only did this cost a fortune and devalue degrees it also led to courses that like those I've mentioned, these were created for those who shouldn't be at university in the first place. That money would have been better invested in apprenticeships where people could learn real skills relevant to the workplace.

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The private schooling system does not work though, I don't know if funding it with tax money is a good idea or not, but having it funded and run like a business doesn't help much either.

I wouldn't have a issue with private universities if they let people in based on intelligence, and not based on payments.

This is because you have such experience with private school? I went to private schools throughout my education and found that the education was superb. Private universities can use any criterion that they want for admittance, but usually it IS based on intelligence with a slight mix of experience for balance. Why on earth do you think that you can buy your way in? For the one or two Nimrods that have their father buy a new building so that sonny can have an prestigious education ( if he matriculates).... so what ? The rest of the student body benefits from the improved infrastructure of the campus for one seat being warmed by an underachiever. BTW private schools are not in operation to provide free education so payment is sort of expected for services rendered.

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The private schooling system does not work though, I don't know if funding it with tax money is a good idea or not, but having it funded and run like a business doesn't help much either.

I wouldn't have a issue with private universities if they let people in based on intelligence, and not based on payments.

This is because you have such experience with private school? I went to private schools throughout my education and found that the education was superb. Private universities can use any criterion that they want for admittance, but usually it IS based on intelligence with a slight mix of experience for balance. Why on earth do you think that you can buy your way in? For the one or two Nimrods that have their father buy a new building so that sonny can have an prestigious education ( if he matriculates).... so what ? The rest of the student body benefits from the improved infrastructure of the campus for one seat being warmed by an underachiever. BTW private schools are not in operation to provide free education so payment is sort of expected for services rendered.

My issue is not what happens while you are being taught at the school, it is who gets accepted and why.


From what I know, universities accept based on test scores. And of course you can't go to a university if you can't afford it. Other then that I think that is it.


The reason I don't like people buying their way in is because they receive a degree for doing pretty much nothing. If you can just buy degrees the value of higher education becomes lowered.

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"The reason I don't like people buying their way in is because they receive a degree for doing pretty much nothing. If you can just buy degrees the value of higher education becomes lowered."


Just what basis for this relatively absurd statement? Anecdotal? Just for giggles please provide the evidence to back your assertion.

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"The reason I don't like people buying their way in is because they receive a degree for doing pretty much nothing. If you can just buy degrees the value of higher education becomes lowered."


Just what basis for this relatively absurd statement? Anecdotal? Just for giggles please provide the evidence to back your assertion.


Your saying universities that run for profit won't treat people who pay their in way better?


I didn't literally mean they bought a degree, I have no idea how you could of possibly thought that.


The rest should be common sense, but I will go ahead and explain it.


1. You buy your way into a private university.


2. Hell if you have money, you can even pay someone to do almost all your work for you. ( I have a link for that if your interested, people do this as a full time job.)


3. You get a degree without getting a real education.


4. People who had to work for their degree have the same degree as someone with little education.

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"The reason I don't like people buying their way in is because they receive a degree for doing pretty much nothing. If you can just buy degrees the value of higher education becomes lowered."


Just what basis for this relatively absurd statement? Anecdotal? Just for giggles please provide the evidence to back your assertion.


Your saying universities that run for profit won't treat people who pay their in way better?


I didn't literally mean they bought a degree, I have no idea how you could of possibly thought that.


The rest should be common sense, but I will go ahead and explain it.

1. You buy your way into a private university.

2. Hell if you have money, you can even pay someone to do almost all your work for you. ( I have a link for that if your interested, people do this as a full time job.)

3. You get a degree without getting a real education.

4. People who had to work for their degree have the same degree as someone with little education.


Private universities require everyone who is not a scholarship beneficiary to pay and there are damn few total rides handed out. I wouldn't expect you to understand how a university is run having not yet been to one ( or likely to) but your misconceptions are comically absurd.


1) Just how do you manage that? Bribe the Admissions Dean with a Ferrari? He does answer to the Dean of Students.

Or bribe all the Deans and the Board of Regents too?

2) It's called cheating and all good Universities will suspend or throw you out for it.

3) Do you mean not staying awake in class? Well I defer to an expert.

4) This statement is not even logical so therefor beyond any refutation. But the latter half again is your field of expertise.


If this is an example of your common sense then Logic was not on your curricula vitae either.

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