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Siding with institute


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I gotta side with the Institute at least once for a change. Do you guys know if they can co-exist with any other faction? I know I often go with the "Best Ending" route where I get to keep all factions friendly but the Institute. Likely I think it will be hard to stay friendly with Railroad if I side with Institute, but does anyone really know for sure? Not just speculation. BoS and Minutemen?

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The Railroad and the Brotherhood would need to be wiped out, whilst the Minutemen are fine with it either way. The only problem is that once the Institute is no longer under the threat of a siege they will start sending out synth salvage parties which I heard somewhere may actually be hostile to the odd Minutemen patrols. So that may lead to a few headache inducing incidents.


Also, do not do any quests for the Railroad if you are going to side with the Institute, otherwise you will be locked out of a small nifty side quest. Which is terrible if you really want the Ballistic Armor mods that make regular hats into almost impenetrable helmets but this can be circumvented with mods that allow access to Ballistic Weave without joining the Railroad.


Who else thought it weird that the least technologically savvy of the big three main factions (though not by much) had access to the best upgrades? Kind of silly if you ask me.

Edited by CyrusAmell
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Also, do not do any quests for the Railroad if you are going to side with the Institute, otherwise you will be locked out of a small nifty side quest. Which is terrible if you really want the Ballistic Armor mods that make regular hats into almost impenetrable helmets but this can be circumvented with mods that allow access to Ballistic Weave without joining the Railroad.


You don't even need a mod for that. There's a console command for it - set RailroadClothingArmorModAvailable to 1 That's how I do it if I never join the Railroad :)

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Anyone who plays an Institute playthrough is a bad person.

Not really, Institute isn't inherently evil I am more prone to dislike BoS this time seemingly acting like the old enclave for once.

And I personally deem RR quite naive, true their goals are noble but naive, they obviously forget about the paranoia, people will not accept synths as RR envisions it.

Edited by k361
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Not really, Institute isn't inherently evil I am more prone to dislike BoS this time seemingly acting like the old enclave for once.

And I personally deem RR quite naive, true their goals are noble but naive, they obviously forget about the paranoia, people will not accept synths as RR envisions it.



In my personal opinion, you are an evil person.

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Not really, Institute isn't inherently evil I am more prone to dislike BoS this time seemingly acting like the old enclave for once.

And I personally deem RR quite naive, true their goals are noble but naive, they obviously forget about the paranoia, people will not accept synths as RR envisions it.



In my personal opinion, you are an evil person.


Pragmatic, not evil:) That's how I see Institute.

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Anyone who plays an Institute playthrough is a bad person.


Or is simply bored of their world-state in their Railroad/Minutemen Ending. As I was.


I thought at first that my second playthrough would be with the Brotherhood of Steel, because, as you may have bluntly and undiplomatically phrased it, there are certain qualms about joining the Institute.


The problem with the Brotherhood is that they are set in their ways, and there are some scruples one may have with them. For one thing, although they seem to leave intelligent ghouls like Hancock alone (with the added racism), they are adamantly in favor of wiping out any synths they find - which means that Curie and Nick are possible targets. Also, don't forget that you literally give them a stolen database of all the escaped Institute synths' DNA and they may potentially use that later. Oh, and they will probably want to eliminate Strong at one point (if that matters to you). The Institute at-least does not care who you pal around with on the surface.


My big thing with the Brotherhood was that I could not stomach their goal of just killing all of the synths they could. It was completely unnecessary and a total deal-killer for me.


The Institute, at present, is selfish and has done terrible things. And yet, I believe its ultimate course can be set in a new and better direction. Anyone who joins the institute needs to at first accept it for its faults, both past and present, before considering what good may be done in an uncertain future. As Mama Murphy stated in her drug fueled Sight rant, an Institute player "will not be loved, but you will save humanity. However you choose to define it."


Institute Vision at 2:26


In my personal opinion, you are an evil person.


It is a video-game, not real life.

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Oh, and they will probably want to eliminate Strong at one point (if that matters to you).



I just went on a different rant about how I believe that Strong is a character of pure evil and wants nothing but to brutalize, smash, eat, or otherwise destroy anything and everything he comes across... I would love an ending of Fallout 4 that allowed me to kill him...


I'm not anti-super mutant, I just don't think Strong has any of the redeeming qualities that certain super mutant characters in previous games had.




The difference between the Brotherhood and the Institute to me is that the Brotherhood is the kind of evil I can control. The Institute is so self absorbed and elitist it has zero stake in the events of the Commonwealth. Anyone that is not them are just seen as play things they can do what they want with. They view humans and synths alike as simple objects to use up and discard.


They claim to want to save the future of humanity, but they have no humanity themselves.


Maxson is a man full of nothing but hate, but he at least respects the value of human life. You can't say the same for the soulless slave drivers in the Institute breaking apart human families in the Commonwealth for the sake of their experiments... Like they think it is their right to own you.


At least Maxon has some redeeming qualities. His brotherhood would be easier to steer in the direction of the great Elder Lyons than it would be to find anyone in the Institute with any semblance of a soul or even common decency for their fellow man.




Long story short, I will take the angry man with too many weapons over the people who enslave their own children (the synths).

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