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This game is pretty much unplayable on PC


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You guys have exceptionally low standards if you are not bothered by how laggy and how bugged Bad Company 2 is. Setting region doesn't help at all. If you play on PC YOU WILL HAVE an extra delay of about at least 70 but often well above 100. Don't you guys ever find yourself in the situation that an enemy rushes around the corner and comes at you with a knife, you shot 15 bullets in his head and chest and you end up getting knifed and he's not wounded at all? Happens all the time, even when the server says you have 79 ping or so.

And what the hell is up with the hit boxes in the game? You never know where the hell you are supposed to shoot at the enemies. Quake 3 arena multiplayer was easier than this even though you were supposed to shoot at where the enemy will be if you count with your ping.


They should've just named the game "Battlederp: Badly bugged 2"

The game is unplayable if you're a serious player.

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Serious player here maybe you are not picking the right servers remember lower ping is always better. Also some servers do have an odd bug that is tied with the game engine and your ISP which can cause some lag, but if you muscle though a couple rounds of it it completely goes away and is very very play worth. Third thing if a server is seeing a massive ammount of chat info other then chat announcements this can also cause lag as the game chat goes though you to the server, to Punkbuster and back to the server again this is due to the way they coded the chat filtering system.
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Serious PC Bad Company 2 player reportin' for duty mate!


Naw, I live in the laggiest country on earth, and have had absolutely no problems with unusual lag here. Wolfy, check your ISP, I think you will probably find you need to upgrade it.


For my two cents I've never had major lag issues, and the community in BC-2 on PC is so good I'd forgive it some lag even if it did. When I first bought the game, the first message I got was "you, rookie, go engineer and follow <<team medic>>" In COD I got booted from my first game for being new :D


I like Bad Company, a lot, and even with a laggy, outdated, steam-powered ISP I have no lag problems, and usualy have a great time. I love any game where you can kill a guy who got the jump on you by landing headshots, or where the weakest weapon in the game can still reliably get kills, it's an FPS done right.


BattleField Good Company however, considering the community, would be a more fitting title.

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Serious player here maybe you are not picking the right servers remember lower ping is always better. Also some servers do have an odd bug that is tied with the game engine and your ISP which can cause some lag, but if you muscle though a couple rounds of it it completely goes away and is very very play worth. Third thing if a server is seeing a massive ammount of chat info other then chat announcements this can also cause lag as the game chat goes though you to the server, to Punkbuster and back to the server again this is due to the way they coded the chat filtering system.


How can I not be picking the right servers? I've been playing this game for over a year and I've come to the conclusion that the game is badly bugged, the hit boxes are all messed up, most servers are annoying with lag. Every now and then there's a server where it almost seems like a headshot is an instant kill but that's like 1 in a hundred.

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