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Fallout NV worth buying when it goes GOTY?


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Would Fallout New Vegas be worth buying when all the DLC's come out for it? I have herd mixed things but it is moddable and appears to have some really cool releases. I am in no hurry to buy it, but if you guys say it is a good game than it will be the next one I pick up :D
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If it's a review of the game your after, I felt the storyline in Fallout 3 was better but in general after getting into it (Which took my a while because it starts off quite boring, but I would definetly recommend it.) FNV was better. So yes, it probably will be worth it.
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wow, I wasn't expecting someone to say it was better than #3. I will definitely be picking up NV when it goes GOTY. Thanks for the responses.


Another thing I wanted to ask was if there is a "Frans" mod for NV. Sort of like that "hardcore loot" 1% rare item find thing, new monsters and armor in the drop table and a bettered leveled creature system. I will give you both kudos for the responses and I look forward to hearing about a mod like this if one exists :thumbsup:

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Fallout 3 was better. from the characters, to the locations, the feeling of total despair, the actual feeling that this was a wasteland. it was a fallout game, it felt like people had no hope and that you were their hope or down fall. one of the best game worlds ever made. also the fact you could go anywhere on the map. random encounters.


only thing new vegas had on FO3 was gameplay. pretty much because they saw what the modders did with it and added it in to the game aka modable weapons and iron sights. FO3 was a masterpiece and FNV just didnt pull me in like FO3. mainly i missed the world of fallout 3. FNV is a retro-futuristic wild west world and less of a post-apocalyptic world. hell of some if not most of the people in new vegas live a decent/good life. but if you liked FO3 even alittle you'll enjoy FNV's better gameplay and mechanics but you'll miss the capital wasteland.



FNV runs better..... if its not highly modded. before the dead money patch came out i had 150+ esps on FNV and ran perfectly after i had to cut it down to 80 after and ran ok. theres a bug that makes it run like crap if go over 100 or so depending on your computer. but even with my awesome computer FNV doesnt like going over 100 esps. damn shame. maybe they'll fix it who knows its getting patched again before the new DLC.

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Ok, I liked the lonely wasteland feel of Fallout 3 and the mystery behind all people you encountered but I am sure if I change my perspective and think of it differently I will be fine with NV. Thanks for the heads up, I am sure that it would ruin my beginning experience if I looked at them as the same. :biggrin:
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New Vegas gives you the abandoned, but still awkwardly congested, with a distant feel to it. Not really sure how to explain it.


The Mojave is built up, but I would say there is a lot more depression around. Mainly because things have stayed built up, or have been attempted to be rebuilt throughout the fallout, but the feeling of poverty has exponentially grown.


...I think I confused myself a bit there.


Take a look at the link in my signature block, if you want a quick rundown of a few mods (shameless self promotion, but in all honesty I plan on expanding that thread to a full on review once I get to the new duty station).



Edited by amullinix
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