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Fort: Nevourth


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Fort: Nevourth

Before the war, they left it, after the war, they preserved it, now its yours for the taking.



The Enclave left a high-tec bunker north-west of 188 Trading Post, its filled with technological goodies just there for you to retrieve.



  • All items listed here are coded and tested.
  • New Items;
    • I-22 Combat Rifle
      • This stealth-rifle was fitted with a surpressor and a scope, with complete stealth, allowing you to snipe your foes from far away.

      [*]Neural Interface Glasses

      • These god-send glasses will mark all items in a color (yellow when night, green when day), which lets you see exactly what you need to see.

      [*]Fort KeyCard

      • This keycard is very special, it will allow you to pick any lock using a different method.

      [*]Water Sanitizer

      • Dont let your water go to waste, using this device, all your water becomes crystal-clear!

      [*]Stealth Robe

      • This is a weak type of armor fitted with a stealth engine, perfect for the special ops missions.

      [*]Stealth Armor

      • This is a strong type of armor fitted with a stealth engine, perfect for the heavy combat missions.


      • A old weapon, perfect for assassinating anybody, easy to clean too.


      • A soldiers best friend, this little lifty injection will make you react quicker to everything, making everything appear as if in slow motion.

      [*]Holographic Emitter

      • Holograms never filled their true potential, but here is their chance to roam the wastes again, having this Emitter in your inventory keeps the boogieman away.

      [*]Item Attractor

      • When scavenging ruins, you might want to have this, a Enclave soldier got off Mothership Zeta once, with a LOOOOAAAAD of new tech, once reverse-engineered, the Enclave had a small device that teleported objects, when they made this device, they thought of what great fortunes they could have, this device will teleport all items near you (if you are outside) or all items in the same cell as you (if you are inside) to your inventory.


      • Sick of the same-old Pip-Boy inventory? Not with a briefcase!

      [*]Energy Rifle

      • You never get enough of reverse-engineered alien technology, this rifle will turn all your foes into ASH!

      [*]Orange T-48b Power Armor

      • This new-old power armor will make you look good while having maximum protection.


      • A handy little rifle that does no damage but instead knocks your enemies up in the air.

      [*]Brain Stimulation Stick

      • A weapon that stimulates the brain to be acceptable for new orders.

      [*]Shield Module

      • A module which creates a green elastic alien shield for 10 seconds around you making you semi-invincible while lowering some of your skills.

    [*]The Fort - what does it have?

    • A Holographic Security Officer.
    • It has refridgerators (nuka and regular), ammo boxes, med kits and sierra madre vending machines, all being restocked twice a week.
    • A cap dispenser, dispenses caps and chips, gets refilled twice a week.
    • A bed (of course).
    • Sierra Madre Vending Machine
    • A Artificial Intelligence (AKA ZAX) controlling the whole base.
      • The ZAX lets you turn off and on the Holographic Security.
      • Use the satellite uplink to give you all locations on your Pip-Boy map.
      • The ZAX has three in-built modules that allows you to cook and craft without any benches.


Future Plans;

  • Implenting whatever idea you come up with.
  • Implenting a personal vertibird (takes a lot of work).


So.. Yeah, thats about it, I'd like your opinion and ideas for this mod, ANYTHING is possible.

Edited by SmileyCat
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All the functions listed are coded and tested, and yeah, I can make that gun.

EDIT: I made the gun, "Energy Rifle", its awesome, but it eats alien power cells like I eat my cheetos, which is fast.

Edited by SmileyCat
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There, I fixed it. I also updated the list, new shiny things for your little wasteland needs.

Here are some screens to feed your greed.





Edited by SmileyCat
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You should ad some Bulllet based weapons like large caliber cannons or something or explosive 10 mm ammo or larger caliber explosve bullets.

Wich Enclave are you gonnna use the old tech suits or the FALLOUT 3 Enclave ?


when placing the mod try to choos a loctation and hoop e it doesnt conflict with something other



if this sounds strange than it must be that way


cheers and a good day

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