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Hinderous loading


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I'm kind of stuck with a problem that I've been having for a long time in my Oblivion install.

That problem is that my Oblivion loads whenever I walk a couple of feet, an example of what I mean:

Know the square in the IC Market District? Well, around it are four barriers (the start of each street) and every time I pass through one of them all NPCs get reset by flashing out of existence for a millisecond and then back.


No matter where I go, this happens...

Yup, even outside.

What's so annoying about it, is that all reset NPCs become unresponsive for a while and by that I mean that they won't do anything by themselves; I can still talk to them.

They won't even fight me right away when I hit them.

So, clearly their AI packages just got reset and they're loading again.


Okay, so I've been having this problem since before I even installed things like the Stutter Remover, Streamline and CPS and I just tried turning them all off again to no avail.

I recently patched my Oblivion.exe to use 4GB and it didn't fix this problem (though it does run o so smooth now :woot:) .


Does anyone know a fix for this?


Almost forgot to post my specs:



Intel i7 620M



Graphics Card::

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 1 GB


Thanks in advance :happy:

Edited by Seren4XX
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I'm wondering if it might be related to your oblivion.ini settings. Have a look through Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide and compare the suggested values to your game settings, and in particular compare the values in the Memory, Loading and Multithreading Variables section on this page with the values you currently have in your oblivion.ini (located the Oblivion folder in your Documents and Setting folder or My Documents if you're a Win XP dinosaur like me ... NOT your oblivion_default.ini located in your game directory). Another setting to check is the uGridsToLoad found a little further down that same page of the guide. Edited by Striker879
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I've been through my ini (with that guide as well) already and I just can't find what's causing it.

I too think it's in there, but it may be something different...


So yeah... that didn't work :confused:

Keep in mind that the only thing unloading are the NPCs and they re-load straight away.


Thanks, any way, Striker :thumbsup:


P.S. There's something I forgot to add in the first post:

NPCs who are in combat don't reset.

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No need to post my load order any more, MOTOSXORPIO :sweat:


The problem appears to be with KamiCAS...

It probably keeps 'assigning' animations, in this case none, they're the standard animations.

I guess I'll just have to live with the problem, 'cause I don't like the standard animations.

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