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Sorry if I did something wrong. I'm an old member that has used this site to pull mods for my favorite game Oblivion. I lost the link a while ago and have just found it. I decided to start posting a thread of jokes and have seemed to garnished the ire of a fellow member here. It seems I've been labeled some kind of a spambot. I always thought a spambot posting something that would gain them some sort of an advantage. I don't know how jokes relate to that, but I guess there are some out there that just think evil of anyone..


So be it. As for me, I love first person shooters, especially archaic ones like Oblivion. I had Morrowind, but thought it too slow. I'm into Fallout Las Vegas and have tried to install the previous Fallout, but with Windows7, it crashes.

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I think people thought you were a spammer (I know I did), because you posted so many consecutive posts - which can easily lead one to thinking you are a spammer. :thumbsup:


Regardless, welcome back to the Nexus! Enjoy your complimentary canned message:


Greetings! Here, have some SPAM:


http://www.bruceongames.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Spam-a-tin-of.jpg :D


Welcome to the family. I'm sure you'll fit right in. :yes:




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